ART=Members' Articles WIN=Members' Window NEW=Monthly Newsletter |
# 1
Poincon de Grace de 1750
(Belgian antique silver hallmarks) by Raoul Verbist
# 2
Italian antique silver oil lamps (lucerna)
Lucerne Italiane in argento
by Giorgio Busetto
# 3
L'histoire d'une tasse de femme
The history of a silver wedding cup
by Raoul Verbist
# 4
An unusual item - The Georgian silver wine funnel
by Giorgio Busetto
# 5 Les
couverts des Soeurs Noires de Pamele
by Raoul Verbist
# 6
From birth to death
by Giorgio Busetto
# 7
Hallmarks of Russian silversmiths
by Giorgio Busetto
# 8
Dedications on silver cigarette boxes
by Giorgio Busetto
# 9
Paw feet, hoof feet, claw feet ..... in silverware

Las patas de animales en la orfebreria
by Jose' Luis Munoz Diaz
# 10
When silver tells a story
Quando l'argento narra una storia
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 11
Nutmeg graters
by Giorgio Busetto
# 12
Gorham Corporation
by Gianmarco Baldini
# 13
The Antique silver industry of Hanau - part 1
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 14
Detecting modified silver and silverplate flatware
by Kathleen Sullivan
# 15
The Antique silver industry of Hanau - part 2
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 16
A Napoleonic sugar bowl from an Italian museum

Una zuccheriera napoleonica da un museo poco conosciuto
by Serenella Ferrari Benedetti
# 17
La salle d'orfevrerie imperiale Russe au Musee de L'Armee de
Bruxelles (partie 1)

The Hall of Imperial Russian Silverware at the Musee de L'Armee de Bruxelles (part 1)

by Claude-Charles Feis and Raoul Verbist
# 18
Tea urns in Old Sheffield Plate
by Gianmarco Baldini
# 19
Plateros y contrastes espanoles
Hallmarks of Spanish silversmiths
by Jose' Luis Munoz Diaz
# 20
La salle d'orfevrerie imperiale Russe au Musee de L'Armee de Bruxelles (partie 2)

The Hall of Imperial Russian Silverware at the Musee de L'Armee de
Bruxelles (part 2)

by Claude-Charles Feis and Raoul Verbist
# 21
A flacon and a lighter
by Fred Sinfield
# 22
A female silversmith: Hester Bateman 1708-1794
by Charles Cook
# 23
Forging Modernities: California metals in context
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 24
Little-Known Tableware Items:Argyles
Un oggetto poco conosciuto: l'Argyle

by Giorgio Busetto and Maurizio Perota
# 25
The Grand Master's Box
by Fred Sinfield
# 26
Georg Jensen: a silversmith from Denmark
by Tom Guarrera
# 27
Japanese Influence in American Silver 1870-1890
by Gianmarco Baldini
# 28
Silver figural toothpick holders of 19th century
by Giorgio Busetto
# 29
by Fred Sinfield
# 30
Eighteen Century silver tea tongs
by Dr David Shlosberg
# 31
Ten steps to verify the authenticity of antique silverwares

Dieci passi per verificare e registrare l'autenticita' di un argento antico
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 32
Silver Salt throne from Tsarist Russia
Saliere a trono dalla Russia Imperiale
by Franco Bellino and Giorgio Busetto
# 33
Posy holder or Tussie Mussie?
by Giorgio Busetto
# 34
An ancient liturgical object: the Pax
Un antico oggetto liturgico: la Pace
by Giorgio Guida and Giorgio Busetto
# 35
The 'Victorian lozenge'- Dating 'Registered model' of the 'UK Patent Office'
by Giorgio Busetto
# 36
A canteen of silver
by Jayne W. Dye
# 37
Candle snuffers
Predmeti Namijenjeni Gasenju Sviieca
by Jose' Luis Munoz Diaz
# 38
Georgian Silver Sugar Tongs of the period 1770 to 1820
by Graham Hodges
# 39
Buried treasures
Tesori sepolti
by Giorgio Busetto
# 40
A silver cup from the ancient Rome: Skyphos
Una coppa d'argento dall'antica Roma: Skyphos

by Fredric Sinfield and Giorgio Busetto
# 41
Tiffany date letters and marks
by Tom Guarrera
# 42
All these numbers ...
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 43
L'Art de la Table: un Art de vivre
The art of the Table: an Art of life
by Martine D'Haeseleer
# 44
Silver toilet sets
Servizi da Toeletta in argento
by Giorgio Busetto
# 45
An unusual Victorian cream jug
Una singolare lattiera vittoriana
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 46
Hallmarks of Italian silver
Punzoni dell'argento italiano, dall'unita' d'Italia ai giorni nostri
by Giorgio Busetto
# 47
Another way of documenting a silver collection
by Giorgio Busetto
# 48
by Pierre Gagnaux
# 49
A collection of Judaica silver
by Pascal Jonnaert and Giorgio Busetto
# 50
A Victorian sugar bowl of exceptional quality
Una bowl vittoriana di straordinaria qualita'
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 51
Philippe Wolfers' Japonism in Belgium
by Martine D'Haeseleer
# 52
by Candice Hern
# 53
Hispano-American silver: the 'Topos'
Argento Ispano-Americano: 'Topos'
by Giorgio Busetto
# 54
Three unusual silver cups
by Giorgio Busetto
# 55
Belgian Art Deco Silver
by Martine D'Haeseleer
# 56
Histoire de faux
Story of a forgery
by Pierre Gagnaux
# 57
American Art Metal Jewelry Boxes 1900-1925
by Joanne Wiertella
# 58
Soviet time silver salts - semi-antique to come?
by Willand Ringborg
# 59
History and marks of Hamilton & Co - Calcutta
Storia e marchi di Hamilton & Co - Calcutta
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 60
Salt thrones from Russia
by Willand Ringborg
# 61
A misleading tea complement: the waste bowl
by Giorgio Busetto
# 62
Ornamental shaping of silver Salt thrones from Russia
by Willand Ringborg
# 63
Judaica silver - Jewish ritual silver
by Giorgio Busetto
# 64
Italian silver hair-pin: the 'sperada'
by Giorgio Busetto
# 65
Belgian silver of the Empire period
by Martine D'Haeseleer
# 66
The Soo Line Historical Museum - Weyburn
by Jacquie Mallory and Giorgio Busetto
# 67
Let's drink and be merry - a study about punch ladles
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 68
Charka exhibition in Helsinki
by Kari Helenius
# 69
Silverware from the Belgian Workshop Wolfers Freres in the Belle Epoque Period
by Martine D'Haeseleer
# 70
British and Irish commemorative hallmarks - 1 -
Marchi commemorativi Britannici e Irlandesi - 1 -

by Giovanni Ciceri
# 71
British and Irish commemorative hallmarks - 2 -
Marchi commemorativi Britannici e Irlandesi - 2 -

by Giovanni Ciceri
# 72
A forgotten object: the silver warmer
Un oggetto di cui si e' dimenticato l'uso: lo scaldino d'argento

by Giorgio Busetto
# 73
The Sgarabhaigh Silver Sixpence
by Dave Hill
# 74
A giant enamel salt throne from Russia
by Willand Ringborg
# 75
A Presentation from His Highness
by Fredric Sinfield
# 76
Romance in metal (Valentine's Day)
by Steven P. Pody and Joanne Wiertella
# 77
Elkington Electroplate Silver /Silver Plate
by Giorgio Busetto
# 78
Eating apples, the elegant way
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 79
Historismus Silver-Gilt Dessert Set by Hermann Ratzersdorfer
by Jayne W. Dye and Karin Sixl-Daniell
# 80
A Box and a Burner
by Fredric Sinfield
# 81
One and All
by Wayne Bednersh
# 82
History through silver trowels
by Malcolm Stander
# 83
Margo Grant Walsh: Collecting by Design
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 84
The Language of Flowers
by Joanne Wiertella
# 85
The story of a well travelled hairbrush
by Sara L. Russell
# 86
Britannia silver standard hallmarks in Great Britain
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 87
English Silver Salts
by Giorgio Busetto
# 88
Russian Silver Assay Masters in the western provinces
by Willand Ringborg
# 89
19th century Sugar boxes in Poland
by Paulina Wojdak
# 90
The World of Mexican Silver Salts
by Linda Drew
# 91
Powdering with style
by Robert Massart
# 92
Travelling for Faith
In viaggio per la Fede
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 93
Silversmithing in Mantua from the 14th to the 19th century
Note sull'arte degli orefici a Mantova

by Franco Negrini and Francesca Rapposelli
# 94
The Violin Handle
by Willand Ringborg
# 95
Silversmithing in Mantua from the 14th to the 19th century - part 2
Note sull'arte degli orefici a Mantova - 2^ parte

by Franco Negrini and Francesca Rapposelli
# 96
Designed by Architects
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 97
Anointing Spoon Replicas in Silver and Silver Gilt from Great Britain - part 1 -
by Jack F. Wilson
# 98
Anointing Spoon Replicas in Silver and Silver Gilt from Great Britain - part 2 -
by Jack F. Wilson
# 99
The Clearwater Collection of Colonial Silver
by R. T. H. Halsey
# 100
Determining the profile of English silver makers
by Robert Massart
# 101
Care and Conservation of Silver for Private Collections
by Richard Hyman
# 102
History and Origin of Claret Jugs
# 103
Silver Hallmarks of Paris During the Reign of King Louis XV (France 1723-1774)
by Christophe Ginter
# 104
Marks of Berndorf Metalware Factory in Austria - Alpacca and Alpacca-Silver II Products
by David N. Nikogosyan
# 105
Gorham's Fleurs des Siecles gift line designed by Jane Hutcheson
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 106
Silver Open Salts of The Victoria & Albert Museum (part 1)
by Rod Elser and Jane Carroll
# 107
Une Imitation de Poincons Louis XV
An Imitation of Louis XV Hallmarks
by Christophe Ginter
# 108
Silver Open Salts of The Victoria & Albert Museum (part 2)
by Rod Elser and Jane Carroll
# 109
The Legal Position of The English Leopard
by David McKinley
# 110
A French canteen (part) - Paris 1764-1819
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 111
Celebration, News from the Canadian Metal Arts Scene
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 112
Scottish Legends & Silver Hallmarks
by Robert Massart
# 113
Mote Spoon - A fraudolent conversion
by David McKinley
# 114
Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen - 2009 flatware collectors meeting
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 115
From Villa Adriana to Australia - Australian Open Tennis Tournament Trophy
by Christine Erratt
# 116
The use of coins in punch or toddy ladles
by Richard Hyman
# 117
A Reappraisal of the Marks Used in the Harache Workshop
by David McKinley
# 118
Garage Sale Saga
by Lazar Freidgeim
# 119
A Burgundian fork dated 1660
Une fourchette bourguignonne datée de 1660

Una forchetta borgognona datata 1660
by Christophe Ginter
# 120
Collecting Austrian silver sugar tongs
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 121
The Background To "Duty Dodgers"
by David McKinley
# 122
Coral and Bells - A Collection of Rattles
by the Staff of Zilvermuseum Sterckshof Provincie Antwerpen
# 123
An Intriguing English Spoon
by David McKinley
# 124
Russian Cigarette Lighters
by "Postnikov"
# 125
The hallmarks of silversmiths' widows in the Kingdom of France

Les poinçons des veuves d'orfèvres sous l'Ancien Régime français

I punzoni delle vedove dei maestri argentieri nella Francia del XVIII secolo
by Christophe Ginter
# 126
Russian matchbox holders
by "Postnikov"
# 127
Don Wallance, a leading flatware designer and Amboss,
an innovative Austrian flatware manufacturer
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 128
The Early History of The English Tea Caddy
by David McKinley
# 129
How to become a Millionaire
by Lazar Freidgeim
# 130
An unknown mark for silver-plated hollow ware used by Christofle in 1930-1935
by David N. Nikogosyan
# 131
Fraud on silver taxes during the French Royalty Chalon sur Saône (France) 1762-1768

Poinçons de fraude fiscale du XVIIIème siècle Chalon sur Saône (France) 1762-1768
by Christophe Ginter
# 132
A pair of 18th century French wine tasters

Une paire de taste-vin français du XVIIIe siècle
by Michael Carter
# 133
A Silver Cruet Set - Paris 1892/1911
by Robert Massart
# 134
Marks on Australian Silver
by Christine Erratt
# 135
The Stieff Company - Historic overview
by Scott Perkins
# 136
The Britannia Standard for Wrought Plate
by David McKinley
# 137
Toasting Forks
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 138
Une imitation de poinçons Louis XV (II)
An imitation of Louis XV hallmarks (II)
by Christophe Ginter
# 139
Le marquage par le maitres-abonnés sous l'Ancien Régime

The triple master silversmith mark on French silver artifacts
by Lise Moor
# 140
Numeration in Silver-Plated Christofle Hollow Ware
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 141
Determining the date on London Assay Office Marks - 1776-1795
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 142
British hallmarks - one cycle a time (I)
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 143
Kitchen Peppers, Bun Peppers and Muffineers
by David McKinley
# 144
'CAT' marks of Christofle foreign branches
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 145
L'argent massif en France et le poinçon de bigorne
The Bigorne mark on French silver
by Robert Massart
# 146
Silver Manufacture in Brazil
by Ricardo Ferreira
# 147
The English Silver Caster
by David McKinley
# 148
Three important exhibitions for the collector of modern silver and other metals
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 149
Une imitation de poinçons d'époque Louis XV (III)

Another imitation of Louis XV silver hallmarks (III)
by Christophe Ginter
# 150
Cinque secoli di punzoni dell'argento napoletano

Five Centuries of Neapolitan Silver Marks
by Claudio Morelli and Giorgio Busetto
# 151
Exhibition: Fabulous Flatware - Non-traditional Tools of the Table
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 152
The Introduction of Mechanical Marking by the London Goldsmiths' Company
by David McKinley
# 153
Antique Jewel Boxes as Souvenirs - American and German
by Joanne Wiertella
# 154
Solid silver or silverplate?
Argento o silver plate?
by Andrea Menarinii
# 155
Fraudulent Use of London Hallmarks
by David McKinley
# 156
August Wellner & Sons, Silver Plating Foundry in Aue, Saxony
by Dr. David N.Nikogosyan
# 157
A Gorham sterling match safe restored using pulse arc welder
by Jeffrey Herman
# 158
Further revelations concerning the Harache workshop
by David McKinley
# 159
The Double Mark Punch Used At The London Assay Office
by David McKinley
# 160
A misterious Martelé Tea set
by Dorothea Burstyn
# 161
Our Adventure with Sherlock Holmes
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 162
Spoon warmers, an often incorrectly described object
by Christian M. Baur
# 163
Apprenticeship and Freedom for the English Goldsmith
by David McKinley
# 164
Silver Spoons and Australian Flora
by Christine Erratt
# 165
Hollow Ware Marks of Warsaw Silver Plate Factories Operated in the Russian Empire
by Dr. David N. Nikogosyan
# 166
French antique silver rattles
by Katherine Palthey
# 167
British cast candlesticks - A piece of beauty and a challenge for collectors
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 168
Dating Unmarked Late 17th/Early 18th Century English Snuff Boxes
by Bill Poynton
# 169
Stato Pontificio (Roma) punzoni dell'argento

Papal States (Rome) Silver Hallmarks
by Claudio Morelli and Giorgio Busetto
# 170
Marie Antoinette's Second Necessaire
by Katherine Palthey
# 171
The Significance of Mote Spoon Piercing
by David McKinley
# 172
The case of Richard Rugg and Robert Rew
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 173
Il piacere dell'indagine
The pleasure of the investigation
by Andrea Menarini
# 174
The Mystery of the Sterling Lion
by David McKinley
# 175
The Date Letter on English Hallmarked Silver
by David McKinley
# 176
Miniature Georgian Silver Sugar Tongs
by Graham Hodges
# 177
19th Century American Brightcut Flatware
by Patricia Finney
# 178
There's Some Sparrowgrass in My Shoe Buckle
by Mary Kay Felton
# 179
Niello Drinking Horns of Kubachi
by Lazar Freidgeim
# 180
Marks of French silver-plated cutlery in the XIXth century
by David N. Nikogosyan
# 181
To be a wise silver collector
by Lauren Chung
# 1 Damian de Castro Spanish ember bowl
by Giorgio Busetto
# 2 Two silver pieces of Jean Redart
by Giorgio Busetto
# 3 A German beaker from .... 1576
by Giorgio Busetto
# 4 Silverware of Giuseppe Garibaldi
Una forchetta di Giuseppe Garibaldi
by Giorgio Busetto
# 5 A teapot of Antoine Joseph Gelle
Une theiere de Antoine Joseph Gelle
by Giorgio Busetto
# 6 A teapot of 18th century
Une theiere du XVIIIe siecle
by Raoul Verbist
# 7 A sugar bowl with St.Mark's lion
by Giorgio Busetto from an idea of Fred Sinfield
# 8 A Walker & Hall coffee pot
by Giorgio Busetto from an idea of Mario Rosario Bonello
# 9 Three George I casters
by David Frothingham
# 10 Milk creamer and sugar bowl from Russia
by Giorgio Busetto and Edward Doherty
# 11 A Tiffany serving dish and cover
by Giorgio Busetto and Maurizio Perota
# 12 Two Continental silver salts
Due saliere di argento europeo
by Giorgio Busetto and Giorgio Guida
# 13 Wax Jack or Mustard Pot?
Stoppiniera o Mostardiera?
by Giorgio Busetto and Giorgio Guida
# 14 Carl Adolf Kohl: silversmith and ...cartoonist
by Giorgio Busetto
# 15 An Edwardian stamp case
by Giorgio Busetto
# 16 Three excellent Victorian teapots
Tre teiere di qualità di epoca Vittoriana
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 17 Vases and snuffer
by Giorgio Busetto, Michael Hutton and Pierre Debaillie
# 18 Casters, talc bottles and pepperettes - Three centuries of silver shakers
by Giorgio Busetto
# 19 A Neresheimer & Co. silver basket
by Leslie Salvage
# 20 Demons & Devils
by Giorgio Busetto
# 21 Demons & Devils: an interesting addition
by Fredric Sinfield
# 22 Forty years of Italian silver vases
by Giorgio Busetto
# 23 A collection of Vinaigrettes
by Maurizio Perota and Giorgio Busetto
# 24 An inkstand from the "Regno delle Due Sicilie"

Un calamaio dal Regno delle Due Sicilie
by Attilio Porsia and Giorgio Busetto
# 25 A Danish sterling silver bowl
by Hymie Dinerstein
# 26 Silver mate from South America
by Giorgio Busetto
# 27 A silver 'dance card' holder by Joseph Wilmore
by Giorgio Busetto
# 28 A Victorian silver wine label
by Giorgio Busetto
# 29 A Scandinavian silver Hovedvandsaeg
by Giorgio Busetto
# 30 Georg Jensen? ... Art Deco?... NO... Ancient Rome!
by Jayne Dye
# 31 Italian baby rattles of the 20th century
by Giorgio Busetto
# 32 A collection of silver and crystal cruet stands

Una collezione di oliere in argento e cristallo tra '700 e '800
by Attilio Porsia and Giorgio Busetto
# 33 Noah's Ark in silver
Un'Arca di Noe' d'argento
by Giorgio Busetto
# 34 A large unsolved mystery!
by Fredric Sinfield
# 35 Two Elkington & Co. silver pieces
Due argenti di qualita' di Elkington & Co
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 36 An ancient complement for ladies hair dressing
by Giorgio Busetto
# 37 Cherubs on Jewelry Boxes
by Joanne Wiertella
# 38 Ten Years Later
by Giorgio Busetto
# 39 An Octagonal Edwardian silver mustard pot
by Robert Massart
# 40 A solid silver mustard pot - Paris 1834/1838
by Robert Massart
# 41 Two Vodka Servers from East Europe
by Robert Massart
# 42 A Tobacco Box
by Fredric Sinfield
# 43 The missing centre piece of a Russian double salt-cellar
by Willand Ringborg
# 44 Trust a dealer?
by Fred Sinfield
# 45 Russian Fakes
by Willand Ringborg
# 46 An "Early Georgian" Salt Cellar
by Robert Massart
# 47 A Scottish Provincial Salt Spoon
by Robert Massart
# 48 A French Silver Mustard Pot
by Robert Massart
# 49 Collecting silver and silver plate bookmarks
by Howard Schecter
# 50 A Hanau Silver with an uncommon London Import Hallmark
by Les Salvage
# 51 A Silver Chalice from Sicily
by Giorgio Busetto
# 52 Salt Cellars from Genoa and Genoa Silver Hallmarks
by Giorgio Busetto
# 53 Marks of European Silver Plate: I. Sandrik, Slovakia
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 54 A Victorian Sterling Silver Hip Flask
by Robert Massart
# 55 Silver Kantharos from Pompeii
by Giorgio Busetto
# 56 A Silver Cigarette/Cheroot Case
by Robert Massart
# 57 Marks of European Silver Plate: II. Fraget & Norblin, Poland/Russia
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 58 Marks of European Silver Plate: III. Bohrmann, Hartmann & Hepp, Germany
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 59/1 Marks of European Silver Plate: IV. Hacker & Herrmann, Austria:
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 59/2 A Swedish Bratina
by Kari Helenius
# 60 Sterling silver trophies for Indian Thoroughbreds
by Siddarth Chand Lall and Giorgio Busetto
# 61 Marks of European Silver Plate: V. Krupp & Wellner, Italy
by by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 62 Silver Mustard Pot - London 1798
by Robert Massart
# 63/1 Marks of European Silver Plate: VI. WMF Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik , Germany
by D.N. Nikogosyan
# 63/2 Russian Fakes - A differing opinion
by Dov Wulich
# 64 Glimpses of India's History
by Michael Thomas
# 65 Silver Pepper Pots of the 19th & 20th Century
by Robert Massart
# 66 The Fischer Chess Spoon Story
by Wayne Bednersh
# 67/1 An unmarked Monteith
by Alan Yates
# 67/2 A pipe collection with silver complements
by Piero Eduardo and Giorgio Busetto
# 68 Russian cigarette cases with tinder cord and match/striker compartment
by Postnikov
# 69 Three Centuries of Cauldron Salts
by Robert Massart
# 70 The Mysterious mark on an Italian coffee pot
by Pietro Fantazzini and Giorgio Busetto
# 72 Smoking a 160-years-old pipe
by RevDr. John Wade Long, Jr and Giorgio Busetto
# 73 Silver on My Mind
by Katy Galewski
# 74 Gorham & Co for Tiffany & Co
by Les Salvage
# 75 London Salts of the 18th Century
by Maria Entrup-Henemann
# 76 The Russian cigarette case - from Fabergé to GULAG
by Postnikov
# 77 Marks of European Silver Plate: VII. Gallia, Alfenide/Christofle, France
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 78 A Silver Mustard Pot - Birmingham 1906
by Robert Massart
# 79 Russian Napkin Rings
by Postnikov
# 81 An Arrowhead Spoon
by Wayne Bednersh
# 82 Niello Silver from Vienna
by C. Bruno Bruni
# 83 Life History of a Small Caster or Just a Fairytale
by Maria Entrup-Henemann
# 84/1 Marks of European Silver Plate: VIII. Dufva, Sweden
by Prof. David N. Nikogosyan
# 84/2 Collecting George III Silver Teapots and Stands
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 85 Our Collecting Guidelines (1) - Form
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 86 Our Collecting Guidelines (2) - Originality
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 87 Our Collecting Guidelines (3) - Engraving
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 88 Marks of European Silver Plate: IX. Szandrik, Austro-Hungary/ Sandrik, Czechoslovakia
by David N. Nikogosyan
# 89 Our Collecting Guidelines (4) -Hallmarks
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
#90 Before and After
by Jeffrey Herman
#91 Three Newborns for a Silver Mug
by Alan Yates and Giorgio Busetto
# 92 Our Collecting Guidelines (5) - Condition
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 93 Our Collecting Guidelines (6) - Crest or Coat-of-Arms
by Joanne and Emmett Eldred
# 94 Marks of European Silver Plate: X. Wellner, Germany
by Dr. David N.Nikogosyan
# 95 Silver hallmarks: reproducing English and misunderstanding Italians
by Alan Yates
# 96 Marks of European Silver Plate: XI. Wellner, Holland
by Dr. David N. Nikogosyan
# 97 Collecting Silver Cow Creamers
by Craig Dorman
# 98 Chinese Flatware from India
by Alan Yates
# 99 Marks of European Silver Plate: XII. Fraget, Russia/Poland
by Dr. David N. Nikogosyan
# 100 Before and After on a Tiffany Sterling Plate
by Jeffrey Herman
# 101 Marks of European Silver Plate: XIII. Norblin, Russia/Poland
by Dr. David N. Nikogosyan
# 102 A tea kettle by Liberty & Company
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 103 Silver of Colonial interest
by Alan Yates
# 104 A 'Japanese' style bachelor tea set
by Giovanni Ciceri
# 105 Marks of European Silver Plate: XIV: WMF
by Dr. David N. Nikogosyan
# 106: Before and After on a Gorham Martelé Vase
by Jeffrey Herman
# 1 May 2004
# 2 June 2004
# 3 July 2004
# 4 August 2004
# 5 September 2004
# 6 October 2004
# 7 November 2004
# 8 December 2004
# 9 January 2005
# 10 February 2005
# 11 March 2005
# 12 April 2005
# 13 May 2005
# 14 June 2005
# 15 July 2005
# 16 August 2005
# 17 September 2005
# 18 October 2005
# 19 November 2005
# 20 December 2005
# 21 January 2006
# 22 February 2006
# 23 March 2006
# 24 April 2006
# 25 May 2006
# 26 June 2006
# 27 July 2006
# 28 August 2006
# 29 September 2006
# 30 October 2006
# 31 November 2006
# 32 December 2006
# 33 January 2007
# 34 February 2007
# 35 March 2007
# 36 April 2007
# 37 May 2007
# 38 June 2007
# 39 July 2007
# 40 August 2007
# 41 September 2007
# 42 October/November 2007
# 43 December 2007
# 44 January 2008
# 45 February 2008
# 46 March 2008
# 47 April 2008
# 48 May 2008
# 49 June 2008
# 50 July 2008
# 51 August 2008
# 52 September 2008
# 53 October 2008
# 54 November 2008
# 55 December 2008
# 56 January 2009
# 57 February 2009
# 58 March 2009
# 59 April 2009
# 60 May 2009
# 61 June 2009
# 62 July 2009
# 63 August 2009
# 64 September 2009
# 65 October 2009
# 66 November 2009
# 67 December 2009
# 68 January 2010
# 69 February 2010
# 70 March 2010
# 71 April 2010
# 72 May 2010
# 73 June 2010
# 74 July 2010
# 75 August 2010
# 76 September 2010
# 77 October 2010
# 78 November 2010
# 79 December 2010
# 80 January 2011
# 81 February 2011
# 82 March 2011
# 83 April 2011
# 84 May 2011
# 85 June 2011
# 86 July 2011
# 87 August 2011
# 88 September 2011
# 89 October 2011
# 90 November 2011
# 91 December 2011
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