Two new articles for ASCAS website
Giovanni Ciceri presents:
A Victorian sugar bowl of exceptional quality
Una bowl vittoriana di straordinaria qualità
The description of a bowl (probably a sugar bowl)
manufactured in London in 1851 by the well known Royal
Silversmith Robert Garrard.
Martine D'Haeseleer presents:
Philippe Wolfers' Japonism in Belgium
the history of the well known Belgian silversmith
Philippe Wolfers and his family workshop.
click here |
New membersWelcome to new ASCAS members:
Linda Bassano - USA
Daniel Botnick - USA
Jacqueline Breckpot - Belgium
Xtine Cabrera - USA
Laurence Clements - South Africa
Lisa Clews - Scotland UK
Sergio A. Corona-Paez - Mexico
David D'Agnew - USA
Patrick Daneels - Belgium
Marcel De Haan - Holland
Marynell Grafwallner - USA
Shannon Greene - USA
Mike I. Gross - USA
Candice Hern - USA
Maja Heynecke - South Africa
Giampiero Ierbulla - Italy
Susan Lapsley - USA
Liz Lillis - USA
Luis C. Lopes - Portugal
Jocelyne Marchand - Canada
Peggy Martines - USA
Samuel Morellato - Italy
Richardson Schell - USA
Stephen Silver - USA
Rose Smuts - South Africa
Gordon Taylor - England UK
Shannon Trauring - USA
Kath Wells - Australia
Giuditta Zaidensztadt - Italy
Members' Window # 22
Giorgio Busetto presents:
Forty years of Italian silver vases
Following through five silver vases the evolution of
taste in Italy in the first half of the past century
click here |
Questions from ASCAS members
Wayne Robbins writes:
......I am sending a few photos of an item I recently
acquired. It is a needle case hallmarked 1799 by Samuel
Pemberton of Birmingham.
I have never seen one shaped like this. It may be more
accurately described as an etui ...
I really don't know. I would appreciate any feedback from other
members who may know more about it.
I am aware that Samuel Pemberton was quite active in making
snuff boxes. Just wondering if this is kind of a rare item for
him to have made.
Many thanks.
Wayne Robbins
Christina R. Green writes:
...I have what I thought was a tea pot made by Reed & Barton
with the number 2765 on the bottom. I paid for an appraisal and
was told it was a Victorian hot water pot and the base was
missing. Can you tell me where I could find a photo to compare
mine to? I do not agree with the appraisal as my item has four
legs and measures 9 in tall and 5.5 wide unlike the large
example photo the appraiser sent me. I have sent along some
photos Also note the pot is very tarnished.
Thank you for your time,
Nikica Vuletic submits two questions:
...On some Italian silver objects i found hallmark REC in a
lozenge. In handbooks I was not able to find meaning of this
hallmark. I do not believe it could be a makers mark or
manufacture but rather some official state mark (tax, import,
export ??).
REC on my photo is stamped on a teapot that I bought in Croatia
(with AL -town of Alessandria- hallmark with fascio).
Another hallmark REC is together with '800' on the bottom of a
silver glass bought in Trieste (Italy: near the Croatian border).
The use of the lozenge 'REC' as an official Italian hallmark
is unknown to me.
I believe it may be a maker's mark (of unusual shape!) or a mark
used during Italian occupation of Croatia in WW2.
Giorgio Busetto
Another question: an old Venetian silver religious lamp (Lux
Aethernam) is marked with leone San Marco (St. Mark's lion) and
control hallmark as one in the photo below.
I do not have mentioned book or any similar that would help me
to precisely date this hallmark.
computer reconstruction of the silver lamp
The mark refers to Zuan Piero Grappiglia, assayer in Venice
(saggiatore di Zecca), active from mid 18th to the beginning of
19th century.
Giorgio Busetto
George Zochowski writes:
...Does any member of the association have a de-code list of
hallmarks on Egyptian silver?
Left mark = fineness ( ? 800)
Middle mark = Lotus flower (Egypt, post 1946)
Right mark = Date of assay
I cannot find references for fineness and date glyphs
Would appreciate any information
Rick Bakke writes:
... I have recently inherited a small set of tea spoons that
I am trying to find out some information on. I do not expect
they are worth much but it would be nice to know some history or
information on them.
They were brought to America from Germany by my Wife's Great
Great Grandmother.
Can you tell me anything about them based on the pictures
5 tea-spoons in a red lined box.
Engraving on back: M.L.
Embossed on back: E.K. 13
Hallmark: per picture
Thank you for your time and any information you might be able to
Rick Bakke
Cindy Sephton writes:
... I came across this old marked Sheffield Plate antique
fruit bowl or ??? It has "SHEFFIELD PLATE" in a semi circle over
a "crown" with "547" printed under the crown. There is also a
shield with a figure in it and lines going vertically through
the shield.
There are grape clusters and vines surrounding the edge of the
You can tell it is very old and very heavy for this type of
It is a blue grey silver color but darkened from tarnish.
I am ready to go get it cleaned at a jeweller but I would like
to know the best way to have it cleaned.
It's a beautiful piece and the hallmark on bottom is slightly
wearing and I do not want it to be affected by cleaning.
Who would be able to tell me how old it is and a little history
behind it?
I love antiques but especially old silver.
Thanks for any information.
Cindy Sephton
What is this piece ???
Nikica Vuletic submits this Mystery object:
I have a mysterious silver object (or only a part of an object)
that has 19th century Rome (Papal State) hallmark.
I do not know if some parts are missing (lid or or glass liner)
or it may even be complete (maybe a vase of unknown use or an
elongated salt cellar)
It weighs about 120 grams and is 12 centimeters tall.
The object has the hallmark used in the Papal State between
1815 and 1870 to identify 889/1000 fineness silver (Chiavi di
San Pietro e tiara pontificia) and a further assay mark '800'
added after Rome's annexion to the Kingdom of Italy (September
20, 1870).
I hope that ASCAS members may identify this unusual object (a
religious vase?, part of an inkstand set? or other?)
This month 180 members not confirming their 2006 membership
were cancelled from ASCAS files.
My thanks to 200 'survivors', most of them belonging to
ASCAS since 2004 (ASCAS was founded in April 2004).
ASCAS confirms its status of no-profit association, without
commercial links and opened to whomever has a true interest
for the knowledge of antique silver. It has no commercial
objective, no fees are requested nor accepted from members and,
therefore, the association is not available to manage and
distribute hundreds of unread e-mails.
Members are requested to contribute to maintain ASCAS alive
supplying articles, photos, information or, at least, reading
(and I hope appreciating) our Monthly Newsletters.
Your comments, suggestions and advice on February 2006
Newsletter will be of great help.
My thanks to Rick Bakke (USA), Giovanni Ciceri (Italy), Martine
D'Haeseleer (Belgium/Spain), Christina R. Green (USA), Wayne
Robbins (USA), Cindy Sephton (USA), Nikica Vuletic (Croatia),
George Zochowski (UK) for their invaluable contributions.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in
antique silver.
It is a no-profit association without commercial links.
Membership is open to whomever have a true interest in this
subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor
accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical
newsletters, e-mails and web-site updatings and ignores and is
not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and
images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for
publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the
property of their works and assure the respect of national and
international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only
town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care the e-mail addresses, will
not disclose the addresses to third parties and uses this
information only to reply to requests received by members and
for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership