Articles for ASCAS website
Claude-Charles Feÿs, ASCAS member and Administrator of SRAMA, presents an interesting article on 'The hall of Imperial Russian Silverware of the Musée Royal de l'Armée et d'Histoire Militaire of Bruxelles' (Royal Museum of the Army and of Military history). The hall hosts a wide collection of silverware and 'militaria' property of the Cossacks Regiments of the Russian White Army, in exile after the Civil War of 1917.
This article is available in double version français / English .
The part 2 of this article, illustrated with a rich selection of photos by Raoul Verbist, will be published on November Newsletter. |
Gianmarco Baldini presents an article on The Urns in Old Sheffield Plate. A brief history of the 'old Sheffield plate' and of the tea urns evolution. click here  |
Kathleen Wheeler worked on English translation of French article #3 by Raoul Verbist: L'histoire d'une tasse de femme.
The English text of 'The history of a wedding cup' (tasse de femme) is now available for ASCAS members click here
List of members
Welcome to new ASCAS members:
Pamela Askwith - Australia
Karen Baker - USA
Alexandra Ballet - France
Jon Berger - USA
Mario Rosario Bonello - Malta
Julie Danyluk - Canada
Hymie Dinerstein - England
Edward Doherty - Scotland UK
Carol Eisenman - USA
Eleanor Lee Gaunt - USA
Zeev Haimovich - Israel
Jim Hastings - USA
Mark Mandel - Canada
Patrice Mativet - France
Maureen Morgan - USA
Nicole Moss - Usa
Scott Nussbaum - USA
Ilaria Occhigrossi - Italy
Shirley Ryland - USA
T. Ross - USA
Ben Rutter - England
Domenico Sessa - Italy
Frank Simmonds - England
Robin Smith-Blackwell - Canada
Cristina Speluzzi - Argentina
Cornelia Thier - Namibia
ASCAS has now 97 members.
The updated list of ASCAS members is now available (only for members)
Members' Window # 6
Raoul Verbist presents ' A teapot of 18th century '. The teapot (unmarked) has side hinged cover and bird's head spout. This Member's window is available in double version text English - français  |
Questions from ASCAS' members
David Philliskirk writes:
I am sending some pictures of what we believe to be a caviar bowl. Standing some 22 centimeters and weighing over one kilo it has the appearance of the domes of the cathedrals in the Red Square.
We were told it was Russian when purchased but the marks would seem to contradict this and are certainly not in Postnikova. I wonder if any of our members could throw some light on the origin of it.
Do any members recognize the mark or offer any suggestions about this piece? caviar bowl? or sugar bowl? or covered bowl? or ....?
Three interesting appendixes to previous newsletters:
Fred Sinfield writes about the lidded container of Newsletter # 3 July 2004 (click here):
An X-ray test revealed that the metal is 8/18 stainless steel. However, as suggested that metal was not in general use until the 1920’s. This leaves the unanswered question as to who used that “AF” mark – might it have been Alphonse Fouquet’s grandson?
About the article on A Napoleonic sugar bowl from an Italian museum (click here) on # 5 September Newsletter:
Giorgio Busetto observes that probably the Napoleon of this sugar bowl finial (hallmark of Bartolo Milani) was a mass production item assembled by Venetian silversmiths on many different objects .
This hypothesis is confirmed by the Napoleon standing on this toothpick holder (hallmark of Bartolomeo Valazza - Venice, 1st quarter of 19th century) quite similar to the Napoleon of Coronini-Cronberg sugar bowl .
click to enlarge photos
ASCAS member Hymie Dinerstein supplies some useful informations about Dorothy Giorgio silverplate basket with a double lion and shield hallmark (click here) on # 5 September Newsletter:
if this is a heavy piece this is probably cast antimony and imported in the late 1950's. These were all based on Georgian Silver pieces and were copied from originals, but only in shape. There are very heavy (about 3 times the weigh of the silver or silver plated items). The fatalistic test is to put a blow torch on them and they will melt
Closing our October newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advices will be of great help.
My thanks to members Gianmarco Baldini, Clem D'Art, Hymie Dinerstein, Claude-Charles Feÿs, Douglas Hawkes, David Philliskirk, Fred Sinfield, Raoul Verbist and Kathleen Wheeler for their precious contributions.
Giorgio Busetto
Secretary |