ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 53 - OCTOBER 2008
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A new article for ASCAS website

  Austria Vienna - J.C.Klinkosch 1890 presents:

History and Origin of Claret Jugs English version

... The name "Claret" has a French origin and means "bright" or "clear" and refers to a bright French Bordeaux wine.
In the 18th century there flourished a wide production of silver mounted cruet stand bottles. They were sized from 15-18 cm, but no taller or larger bottle suitable to serve wine was manufactured! The first examples of "wine" bottles were made in the 1830s and among the first were those manufactured in London by Reilly & Storer.....

click here English version


New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Mark Bates - USA
Giuseppe Boldrini - Italy
Harry E. Bowman - USA
Vince Chiappinelli - England UK
Tamera Guerin - USA
Debbie Harsh-Kightlinger - USA
Magnus Hedberg - Sweden
Sarah Kawakami - USA
Fabrizio Matta - Italy
Susan Patzer - USA
Andrea Rae - Canada

Members' Window # 53

An unidentified 25 cl teapot with an original design

Prof. David N. Nikogosyan presents:

Marks of European Silver Plate: I. Sandrik, Slovakia English version

Collecting silver-plate objects, I usually try to choose those in better, if not perfect, state. The teapot from my collection that I am going to introduce here was found at a village market in the Balaton region of Hungary in 2001....        click here English version


Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

JoAnne Wilkinson writes:
... I'd wish to have more information about my kettle (silver encrusting on copper), marked Gorham

Your kettle was made in 1883 by Gorham Corporation. Gorham used a system of letters/symbols to date its production. Your kettle is marked with the letter "P" corresponding to the year 1883. A detailed and illustrated description of Gorham dating system is available in my website at
An excellent article by Gianmarco Baldini about the Japanese influence in American Silver, 1870-1890, is available in our website at
Giorgio Busetto

Joyce Colpetzer writes:
... I recently acquired this set of serving pieces from my Aunt's estate. They have Continental silver handles (Germany, I presume - close-up of hallmarked shown in photo) and the other metal is marked "Bronze" & "H.B.". They came in a lovely fitted box that appears to be original to the set.
They measure 8-1/4" in length and they are in mint condition.
Is there someone who could tell me how these lovely pieces are to be used? At first glance, I thought they might be used to serve oysters, but it's just a guess. The spoon-shaped piece is actually flat with a slightly upturned lip on the bottom edge. The curved (perhaps a knife) piece is not sharp, but the edge is bevelled.
Any information you could give would be sincerely appreciated.
Thank you....
Joyce Colpetzer

I may confirm that your set was made in Germany. I'm not sure, but, possibly, it is an aspic server set.
Aspic is a clear tasteful jelly that is made from broth. Generally, aspic is used to accent the serving of meat. Aspic is a lot like cranberry sauce. The aspic server is curved and sharp for the cutting and serving of aspic.
Unfortunately aspic do not belongs to my diet and I have no experience about its use. Confirm and information are needed by "aspic users"
Giorgio Busetto

Sue Tiffin writes:
... I am a new member and wonder if someone can help me with correct identification of this silver object I purchased in the UK years ago.
There were three in the shop and I bought the newest of them. As I remember the dates on the others were mid to late 1800’s. It was identified as a "pip tray" that clipped on the side of a dish and was used to hold seeds when one was eating fruit.
It is 7 by 5 cm and is hallmarked, Hilliard & Thomason, Birmingham, 1904.
I’ve never come across another one and have always wondered if it is truly a "pip tray"!
Thank you very kindly.
Sue Tiffin

It's the first time I see something as your piece and your "pip tray" is an absolute novelty for me.
Help by ASCAS members is needed to confirm your identification.
Giorgio Busetto

Bella Tucci writes:
... I have spent countless of hours trying to identify the hallmark of this spoon.. I was hoping you may have some insight.
Would be grateful.
Bella Tucci

The mark (lion over "2") was used in the Netherlands from 1814 until 1953 (silver fineness 833/1000). The "G" in script is the date letter (possibly 1816, but I'm not sure).
I trust in the help of ASCAS members for further information and maker's mark identification.
Giorgio Busetto

Pierre-Emmanuel Augé writes:
... je me présente: je m'appelle Pierre-Emmanuel Augé et je suis attaché de conservation aux archives départementales de la Charente-Maritime et passionné d'archéologie sous-marine.
Récemment lors d'une plongée, un membre du club de plongée (section archéologie) a découvert une fourchette sur laquelle figure 4 poinçons. L'identification de ceux-ci (et donc une datation) nous permettrait d'obtenir une chronologie et par la même d'identifier l'épave qui est pour l'instant inconnue. Nous avons bien une liste de navires naufragés, mais nous ne savons pas lequel est-ce.
Je pense que les poinçons sont anglais, mais je n'en suis pas sûr. Auriez-vous l'amabilité d'identifier ces quatre poinçons?
Je vous remercie par avance de l'aide que vous m'apporterez.
Pierre-Emmanuel Augé
La Rochelle - FRANCE

The fork is electroplated silver (not solid silver) made in England at the end of 19th century. The maker is William Page & Co, Birmingham. The date is circa 1897.
Details of this mark are available in my private website at
Giorgio Busetto

Paola Continella writes:
... I'm trying to identify the maker of a soup ladle with Belgian marks and maker's mark " C over K" (or "crescent" over K). Any help would be greatly appreciated
Paola Continella

Your ladle bears Belgian marks of silver fineness 800/100 used from 1831 to 1868. Help is needed for identification of maker.
Giorgio Busetto

Tamera Guerin writes:
... I'd like to have some information about this "Hanau Spoon"
Tamera Guerin

Your "Hanau Spoon" was made in the Netherlands (possibly in 1891) and bears London import marks for 1891.
The English mark belongs to Barnet Henry Joseph, gold worker, and was registered on March 13, 1891.
Some information about B.H. Joseph & Co:
B.H. Joseph & Co, 1865-1929. Incorporated into Payton, Pepper & Co Ltd in 1929.
The business of manufacturing and wholesale jewellers was commenced by Barnet Henry Joseph and his brother Henry Joseph in 1865 in Birmingham. When Henry retired (1869) was succeeded by another brother Joseph Joseph.
From 1878 B.H. Joseph & Co opened showrooms in London and in 1889 was said to be one of the largest jewellery houses in the trade.
B.H. Joseph & Co took over the manufacturing jewellers D.L. Davis of Birmingham (1891), Arthur E. Cohen of Birmingham (1906) and incorporated Walter & George Myers of Birmingham (1910). B.H. Joseph & Co amalgamated in 1929 with Payton, Pepper & Sons Ltd, manufacturing jewellers of Birmingham.
B.H. Joseph & Co was noted as importer of Dutch silver made by J. v Straten & Co of Hoorn (1892) and A de Pleyt of Schoonhoven (1894).
Giorgio Busetto

Magnus Hedberg writes:
... I am trying to collect information about the custom to give silver spoons in connection with funerals. Some rich families during late 1700th century, and also later, gave spoons to the bearers of the casket.
Usually they are engraved with the date of birth and the date of death. Sometimes there is also some picture or religious text engraved. In Britain you talk about pallbearers.
This custom did exist also in the Netherlands. Do you know of some collector who knows of the origin of this custom? Are such funeral spoons in collections in Britain? Do you know of some research or literature in this field?
With friendly greetings
Magnus Hedberg

Any suggestion about this interesting matter will be welcome
Giorgio Busetto

Replies to questions

Bernard Jouret receives these replies about his candlesticks (see September Newsletter)
Hugo Keymeulen writes:
... these candlesticks are from Belgium from the city of Mons (Bergen), date letter Crowned 79 stands for the year 1779.
The hallmark crowned AE stands for the initials AE = Albert, Elisabeth, since 1610 until 1790
Crowned Tower hallmark (tour or chateau) several models over the years since 1450, this model is from around 1780
The silversmith is unreadable,

Raoul Verbist writes:
... Here an answer on Bernard Jouret’s question on origin of his beautiful candlesticks.
Your candlesticks were made in Mons (Belgium) Year 1779
Mark 1: for the year 79 under crown
Mark 2 and 3: marks for the city MONS (Belgium), letters AE for Albert and Isabelle and tower
Mark 4 : mark for silversmith not possible to be identified
I suggest to consult ASCAS member article n°1 for more explanation on marks 2 and 3, Town mark of town MONS
Raoul Verbist
Ginter Christophe writes:
... regarding B. Jouret's question, the marks were stamped in Mons (Belgium), 1779.
I guess the fourth mark (right) is the maker's one. Unfortunately I cannot identify the content of the mark.
Best regards.
Ginter Christophe
Janjaap Luijt writes:
... about Bernard Jouret question :
from left to right:
date letter: 1779
town marks: Mons, Belgium
makers-mark: LF ?
The makers-mark is not mentioned in the reference books on Belgium silver.
Best regards,
Janjaap Luijt
Ludo D’Haese writes:
... Vos bougeoirs sont Belges de la ville de Mons de l’année 1779.
La photo du poinçon d’orfèvre est trop flou pour l’identifier.
Si possible envoyer une meilleure photo.
Bien à vous
Ludo D'Haese

Ross Macrae receives this reply about the marks of his spoon (see September Newsletter)
Hugo Keymeulen writes:
... 1 Lyre T, is the Belgian silver mark for 1831-1868 for fineness 934 1/36
worn Minerva's head, should have a letter in the helmet indicating the town:
B Antwerpen
C Gent
D Liege
E Mons
G Brugge
H Kortrijk
I Leuven
K Tournai
L Namur
M Hasselt
N Arlon
O Roermond
The maker is J.B.Huysman D'Herdt from Gent, all his work is covering the period 1831-1869
The identification should be confirmed with the letter C in the helmet
Ludo D'Haese writes:
... La Cuillère est Belge pour la période de 1831 à 1er Juillet 1868.
La lyre est le poinçon de titre que est le premier titre (.950)
La tête de minerve est le bureau de garantie. Dans le casque il y a une lettre ( dans votre cas une C qui veut dire la ville de Gand)
Les lettres HD avec aux milieu une bouteille est le poinçon d’orfèvre de ' Huysman J.B. & D’ Herdt '.
Votre cuillère de première titre a donc été faite par la firme ' Huysman J.B. & D’Herdt ' dans la ville de Gand entre 1831 et 1er Juillet 1868.
Bien à vous
Ludo D'Haese

Mario Galasso receives this reply about the marks of his Scottish caster (see September Newsletter)
Robert Massart writes:
... In your latest newsletter Mario Galasso asks to define the maker of the caster he bought.
The caster was made by James Weir I of Glasgow, who was described as a jeweller.
Kind regards,


In this column we present a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper related to silver, which may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
This month ASCAS presents the engraving The Merry Milk Maid from a design of Marcellus Laroon the Elder (c. 1688) included in the series The Cryes of the City of London
The Marry Milk Maid by Marcellus Laroon the Elder (1688 c.) The Marry Milk Maid by Marcellus Laroon the Elder (1688 c.)
A custom related to silver that continued into the 19th century was for milkmaids to dress in their best clothes on May Day and dance for their customers. They carried a headdress adorned with silver tankards, plates, and other silver objects to add to their allure.


In this column we presents an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page
Gorham Martelé loving cup


Martelé was produced at the end of the 19th/beginning 20th century in Gorham's Providence's plant (Rhode Island) by masters silversmiths under the direction of William C. Codman.
Each artisan handcrafted an entire piece as ancient silversmiths once did.
Production included bowls, tankards, vases, chambersticks, claret sets, letter openers, candlesticks, porringers, mugs, cigar lighters, inkwells, centerpieces, tea and coffee sets....


In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)

The "book on the shelf" of this month is presented by Karin Sixl-Daniell:


One Hundred Years of English Silver - 1660-1760 One Hundred Years of English Silver - 1660-1760


Closing our OCTOBER 2008 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Pierre-Emmanuel Augé, Joyce Colpetzer, Paola Continella, Ludo D'Haese, Jayne Dye, Ginter Christophe, Tamera Guerin, Magnus Hedberg, Hugo Keymeulen, Janjaap Luijt, Robert Massart, Karin Sixl-Daniell, Prof. David N. Nikogosyan, Sue Tiffin, Bella Tucci, Raoul Verbist, JoAnne Wilkinson, for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.