ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silvernewsletter # 118 March 2014 SITE MAP
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Fragment of an advertisement of the Veuve Charles Halphen Factory (before 1878)
David N. Nikogosyan presents:

Marks of French silver-plated cutlery in the XIXth century
Marks of Christofle, Veuve Charles Halphen, Gombault-Desclercs and Manufacture de l'Alfénide
English version

So far I was not interested by the marks of silver-plated cutlery. However, the early pieces of Christofle cutlery seem to be remarkable. First of all, they are excellently designed. Second, they are convenient, beautiful and robust. Third, they are self-documented, as every piece is marked by its year of production. And, fourth, they are world-wide spread. It should be reminded that around 1844 the Christofle company pioneered the mass production of silver-plated cutlery and continued until at least 1930. As a result nowadays you can find Christofle cutlery from the XIXth century practically everywhere on the globe, in any antiques shop or on any flea market. In addition, many other French and foreign jewellery firms, producing silver-plated cutlery, copied the pieces of Christofle cutlery. I can easily mention a dozen of European jewellery firms, issuing silver-plated cutlery "à la Christofle cutlery", amongst them the French firms Ercuis, Halphen, Desclercs, Frenais, the German companies WMF, August Wellner Soehne, Bohrmann, Hartmann, Henniger, the Austro-Hungarian factories Arthur Krupp Berndorf, Herrmann, the Russian foundries (situated in Warsaw) Fraget and Norblin and many others.....
click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

Claudette Barber - USA
Stuart Bennett - England UK
Lois Clausen - USA
Nikita Demidov - Belarus
Gary D. Gardner - USA
Andrea Gaveli - Switzerland
Robin Gibson - Australia
Brain King - England UK
Guido Manescotto - Italy
Sue Peggram - England UK
Mike Schaper - USA
Valerie Steptoe - England UK

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Ole Lachmann writes:
English or Austrian design?
Three examples of the egg cup on the photo have appeared in the English antique trade. All with Hukin and Heath marks for Birmingham 1895-96. It is an astonishing modern design for a piece of Victorian English silver. Hukin and Heath made a range of silver designs by Christopher Dresser, but this is made later and it is not really his style - in fact is seems more mid-twentieth century design than any of Dressers designs.
I have had much fun from asking other collectors and museum people to date it without looking at the marks - and so far all guesses have been in the range 1912-1960.
Much to my surprise the same design - identical to the last detail of the broken egg-shell - appeared at an Austrian auction. Measures were identical but the weight of the English examples was 73 g and the Austrian example was 64 g.
In the Austrian example the egg shell part was marked with the dog mark for small articles of silver fineness 800 in the period 1886-1922 and the saucer part (firmly welded to the eggshell part) was marked with the Diana head for silver fineness 800 for the same period. The makers mark is KB in a rectangle with rounded corners (see the poor photo below), which (from Waltraud Neuwirth's book) I believe is Karl Bubeniczek working in Vienna from 1894.
The Austrians made very clean designs in silver in the 19th century.
Has any reader information that can tell whether this surprisingly modern design is originally English or Austrian and how it happens to appear in identical versions in the two countries?
Ole Lachmann

Pierre P. writes:
...I'm trying to identify these marks on two pieces of French flatware.
Any help would be highly appreciated
Pierre P.
The first mark is for GRASSE 1783. Grasse is a small town in the extreme South-East in France, in the Provence region.
Detailed marks:
- G 83 is the warranty mark for Grasse 1783,
- silversmith is Joseph SACHE (mark JS) who was registered in 1781 and died in 1787,
- other marks are tax marks used in the region between 1781 and 1789: the A is a "charge" mark (tax declaration) and the small rose bud is a "discharge" mark (tax payment). These marks are normally dedicated to small silver items.

The second mark is, presumably, the single mark doubled and observed with initials ABL, a bishop's miter and a crowned fleur de lys belongs to the silversmith Alexandre Bernard LEBLANC who was registered in Paris in 1763.
Leblanc left Paris 3 years later in 1766 without giving notice for his departure, he was then declared "absent" (away) and there is no information about his new location for pursuing his activity where he kept the same mark, probably working with the "abonné" status (i.e. paying a lump tax), which implies there to punch his mark twice.
Sorry I do not know the corresponding location and for these explanations that may appear somewhat "trying" or confusing.
Christophe Ginter

Anneliese M. Scherring writes:
...I have two pieces that I would like to post photos of on your site to see if anyone can tell me what they are.
Both are similar but the smaller one with the putti top has small holes (like I'd expect to see on a toothpick holder) but also has large holes around the base (were there possibly inset stones removed from there???) and the larger of the two pieces with the Greek female figure on top only has the large holes.
Both are marked with what looks like the numbers "13" over "OK" but the marks are very hard to make out!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Anneliese M. Scherring

Kari Helenius writes:
... I attach pictures of two engravings on two different 17th c. beakers
The left one is on the upper rim of a beaker made in Augsburg 1673.
The one on the right hand side is on the bottom of an unmarked Russian beaker.
Basically the bird itself is the same in both cases. Both are ca 5 mm high.
The main difference is on the coat of arms/crests below the bird.
I believe that these engravings are much later than the beakers.
Do you have any idea about these crests?
Best regards
Kari Helenius

The crest on the left refers to an Augsburg 1673 beaker, while that on the right belongs to an unmarked 17th century beaker (stopa) made in Russia
The crests look like English/British family crests. Note the striking similarity with that of Arkwright family in the "Crest" column in this newsletter. But similar crests were used by many others families and the main difference are the triangular device on which is resting the bird.
Giorgio Busetto

Replies to questions

Christopher Ginter receives these answers about his York mark
(see February 2014 Newsletter)

Giovanni Ciceri, Graham Hodges, Robert Massart, Karin Sixl-Daniell and John Yale write
The mark JB over WW was entered for York by James Barber & William Whitwell. Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks show this mark used from 1812 onwards. Their partnership ended on death of William Whitwell in 1823.

David Boddy receives these answers about the mark of his fork
(see February 2014 Newsletter)

Christophe Ginter, Janjaap Luijt and Robert Massart write
The Dutch fork of David Boddy has the marks of the town of Zutphen in Gelderland (the Netherlands) province (the cross), the year letter 5Z = 1774 (or 6Z = 1799). The makers mark is hard to read.
further information are added by Peter van Oel
1.) the hatchet, the 1853 duty mark for old silver objects of national origin returned to the trade. In accordance with several resolutions with further clarifications, this mark was intended for objects with the hallmarks of the ancient Netherlands silversmiths' companies...
The use of this mark was abolished in 1927 for two reasons:1st, The lack of knowledge of the old marks has caused this mark to be sometimes struck on old foreign objects. 2nd, this mark had often been counterfeited and used to give objects an antique aura.
2.) Cross (cross pattée) guild city mark for the Dutch city of Zutpen.
3.) Maker's mark DB: no good match found
4.) 6Z date letter, Zutphen 6th alphabet letter Z for 1799-1807.

Enzo Roncalli receives this answer about the marks of his English coffee pot
(see February 2014 Newsletter)
Giovanni Ciceri writes
The date letter is for London 1773/74.
It is likely that the maker is John Carter II. About the registration date consider what reported by Jackson (1) in the chapter "Chronological list of names of London Goldsmiths" of his "English Goldsmiths and their marks". He warns to be careful with the date of registration of a silversmith marks because they may have been in use one of two years before registration
(1) Charles J. Jackson, 1964. English Goldsmiths and their marks - A history of the goldsmiths and plate workers of England, Scotland and Ireland. Second Edition. Dover Publications Inc., New York.
Giovanni Ciceri


In this column we presents a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page

Bigelow, Kennard & Co, ancient advertisement
This month ASCAS presents an ancient advertisement of:



The firm was founded in 1830 in Boston (State Street) by John Bigelow. Soon afterwards John was joined by his brother Alanson, changing the name to Bigelow & Company.
Later entered in the business Abraham O. Bigelow (brother), M.P. Kennard, William H. Kennard and F.P. Bemis and the name was changed to Bigelow, Kennard & Co. In 1869 the firm moved to Boylston Street, Boston.
After the death or retirement of the original partners, Alanson Bigelow Jr. became sole proprietor and was joined in 1895 by his son Alanson Bigelow (the third member of the family with the same name).
Another son (Homer Lane Bigelow) entered in the partnership (in 1899, retiring some years later) and afterwards entered a son-in-law (Reginald C. Heath).
The business was incorporated in 1912 and went out of business in 1922

This image is part of the ADVERTISEMENTS IN SILVER - SILVER ADVERTISING section of website


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page leave your LIKE on facebook
cheese toaster: Old Sheffield Plate


Among the innovation of the last quarter of the eighteenth century were specialized dishes for melting cheese on toast. Usually the inside of the dish is divided up into sections with six to twelve small removable pans.

The "cheese toaster" is equipped with a hot-water compartment. As was the case with the vegetable dishes, the hot water could be poured into the jacket of the dish by unscrewing the handle or lifting up a small cap at the side.... more



In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page



George Jamieson was the son of William Jamieson, an Aberdeen silversmith.
He completed his apprenticeship in 1841 succeeding to his father who died in the same year and in 1862 he participated as exhibitor to the 1862 International Exhibition (presenting in the section Works in Precious Metals, and their imitations and Jewellery: granite and pebble ornaments) .
Jamieson acted also as retailer of silverware manufactured by Hayne & Cater of London and often his mark (GJ) accompanies their "SH over DC" mark.
In 1875 his son William George Jamieson was admitted into the Aberdeen Hammermen and entered in partnership with his father (but the mark WGJ accompanies that of his father in a London 1872 hallmark) under the style George Jamieson & Son (since 1848 the firm was active at 73 Union Street, Aberdeen and from 1867 at 107, Union Street). The firm was maker of "Granite ornaments and Scotch Jewellery, Crest Brooches, Highlands Ornaments and agent for Elkington & Co."
In 1881 William Whyte Carry entered in the partnership, becoming sole proprietor in 1908.....



In this column we present images and descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and Scottish families as engraved on silver items.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page



family crest: Arkwright Robert, of Sutton Scarsdale and Willersley, Derby
A crest used by Robert Arkwright, Esq. of Sutton Scarsdale and Willersley, Derby.
The crest is described as "an eagle, rising (in beak an escutcheon, pendant by ribbon, charged with a hank of cotton)".
The motto is "Multa tuli fecique" (I have borne and done many things)
The crest was found on an Old Sheffield Plate cheese toaster made by H: Wilkinson & Co.
cheese toaster with family crest: Arkwright Robert, of Sutton Scarsdale and Willersley, Derby cheese toaster with family crest: Arkwright Robert, of Sutton Scarsdale and Willersley, Derby

Custom Search

Closing our MARCH 2014 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Christophe Ginter, Kari Helenius, Graham Hodges, Ole Lachmann, Janjaap Luijt, Robert Massart, David N. Nikogosyan, Pierre P., Anneliese M. Scherring, Karin Sixl-Daniell and Peter van Oel for their precious contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
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ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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