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2010 ASCAS membership

Members still interested in ASCAS and its activity are invited to send an e-mail to:

confirming their 2010 membership (the simplest way is to use the 'reply' button on our January e-mail).

No action is requested to unsubscribe. Members not confirming their membership will be automatically deleted and shipping of our monthly Newsletter will be suspended on February 2010.
Please IGNORE this announcement if you have already confirmed your interest, by email, within the last month.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary

A new article for ASCAS website

Early tea strainer spoon by Abraham Harache c1690
David McKinley presents:

An Intriguing English Spoon English version

.....Towards the end of the 17th century when the English habit of tea drinking moved from the commercial background of the Coffee House to the social background of the home, several items of what is now known as tea equipage were introduced into the silversmiths' repertoire. Largeworkers produced the tea kettle with its stand and spirit burner for producing hot water at the table and Smallworkers began producing teaspoons, tea tongs (sugar tongs) and mysterious little spoons described in The London Gazette of 1697 as "long or strainer tea-spoons with narrow pointed handles......

click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Philippe Cocriamont - Belgium
Valerie Ensor - USA
Geoffroy Hermanns - Luxembourg
Joseph A. Giallanza - USA
Adam Kempton - Australia
Dee Morland - USA
Adriaan ter Meulen - USA
Stephen Lee Smith - USA
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Members' Window # 68

A. Albrecht, St. Petersburg 1874
"Postnikov" presents:

Russian cigarette cases with tinder cord and match/striker compartment English version

The beginner collector of Russian cigarette cases finds sometimes a strange looking container whose purpose is not immediately clear: the cigarette case with tinder cord and match/striker compartment.

Often I heard the following comment by dealers where I found one of these cases:
"Because of the missing pencil I can give you the case for half of the regular price" or "The carrying chain for this lady's case is lost, but...."      click here English version 

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Marina Fedeli writes:
...I'm researching information about the maker of this 19th century candlestick with Milano (Italy) marks.
Any suggestion will be appreciated
Marina Fedeli
The maker is Emanuele Caber or Ditta Caber, Milano 1812-1870 under the sign of the "cervo" (deer).
Giorgio Busetto

Guillaume Bernard writes:
...I need your help about three marks found on a holy water bucket (coming from Napoli?).
I’d greatly appreciate if you can identify these marks.
Guillaume Bernard
The water bucket bears the marks of Naples (Napoli).
The mark L over DF over C belongs to Leonardo Di Franco, console (assayer) 1694-1696 and later in 1706.
The mark NA over 96 under a crown is the mark used in the year 1696 (town mark).
The mark G+S is the maker's mark. I didn't find this mark in my literature. I found a similar mark (G dot S) of silversmith Giuseppe Simioli (active 1694-1713) using the mark G.S.
Giorgio Busetto

Jaqueline Gori writes:
...I am desperately trying to identify and value a vase with the attached hallmarks.
Have you seen anything like this before?
Best Regards
The maker of your vase is the firm "Luigi e Eros Genazzi", Milan Italy.
Luigi Genazzi is a well known Italian silversmith born in 1876 and dead in 1946. The firm continued its activity under the management of his son Eros Genazzi. The "lozenge" mark isn't well readable, but I believe that your vase was made in the 1950s under the management of Eros Genazzi.
Giorgio Busetto

H. Dinerstein writes:
...I've a Russian silver cigarette case marked '875', lion and initials JJ.
Can you identify, please?
H. Dinerstein
Your cigarette case isn't Russian but Estonian. It bears marks used from 1924 to 1944.
The literature about Estonian silver of this period is very scarce and I'm unable to identify the maker of your item.
A wide directory of Estonian and Latvian silvermiths realized by 'Postnikov' is now available in my website at
Giorgio Busetto

Robin Darnell writes:
...I purchased what I believe to be silverplate stand or centerpiece with an English registry mark. I have attached a brief description and photo of the piece but really can't find and direct information.
I found an inkstand that was sold for an American movie star at auction and it has the same motif as my stand. I am not sure this was made by Henry Wilkinson or that the name of the line is correct in my description. Any information or opinion you might have would be appreciated.
The piece is in six parts and in the photo the top is on upside down as it was purchased. I woud like to find the bowl or tray that fits on top of the stand or possibly have a duplicate made. The inkstand in the auction was listed as Seward's Folly - Polar Bear Garden and attributed but outside the British registry mark is a stamp on each piece for a crescent and stars.
Thanks you for your time and consideration.
Robin Darnell
I hope that someone of ASCAS members will be able to help you.
Meanwhile I can only suggest to try with Silver Magazine, January/February 1986, where is published an article titled "Polar Bear Ice Bucket" (unfortunately I can't verify as this copy of Silver Magazine is missing by my collection).
Giorgio Busetto

Philippe Dupont writes:
...I have a silver pitcher with basin weighing about 4 Kg. It bears French hallmarks and the maker's mark 'Armad Gross' inside a lozenge.
I research any possible information about this piece and its maker.
Thanks in advance.
Philippe Dupont
I found this information about ARMAND GROSS:
- successor of M. Ferry
- 156 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin - Paris
- N° de garantie B668
- N° de Prefécture 11062
- date d'insculpation 31.10.1893
- symbol: A winged wheel
Giorgio Busetto

Christine Zachary writes:
...I have collected Old Sheffield for many years and find the craftsmanship of this early work interesting and unique.
Recently I found a piece of silver over copper jewelry which I believe is 18th century. Would anyone have any information on a comparable piece, as I haven't found any comparables in books I've looked at? It is unmarked and has a Georgian type clasp.
It is an oval flat disc with a raised design, and the drawing itself is hand engraved.
Size 2 1/8 by 1 7/8 inches.
The woman appears to be dressed in an 18th century costume and holds a young girl. Possibly a copy of a painting. The engraving lines are deep. The face of the piece is 3 layers thick. The background is cut away deepest, then the sofa and then the figure.
Part of the silver is rubbed away in the background to expose the copper underneath.
My question is, is this a type of rolled silver such as Old Sheffield and has anyone seen a piece similar?
Thanks so much,
Christine Zachary

David Mckinley writes:
...I have been researching the Harache family of Huguenot silversmiths for some time; I am currently concerned with John Harache who called himself a jeweller and who has been identified in Liverpool, England in late 1728.
I assume he was on his way to America and would welcome any help, from fellow members in the USA, in tracing him there from late 1728 or early 1729 onwards. Although he called himself a jeweller he probably made small items such as spoons, sugar tongs etc., and may have settled in one of the ports of entry such as Boston or Philadelphia.
Thank you in anticipation,
David Mckinley
A hard challenge for our American readers.... But who knows?
Giorgio Busetto

Neil McElroy writes:
...I was wondering if you could help identify the markings on this silver cufflink that I found while metal detecting in Eugene Oregon.
Any info you could give me would be great!
Neil McElroy
I believe that your cufflinks are Danish.
The mark with DA symbolises "Thor's" (an ancient German god's) hammer: That mark was sign of private Danish Trade Promotion Association «Landsforeningen Dansk Arbedje» (Promotions signification: "Quality Product - Made in Denmark" and "Buy Danish Quality Products") from 1908 on - with promotional activities for all kind of Danish products - not only for Silver or Plated - in Denmark and abroad. "DA" is since 2002 part of a Danish merger for "Worldwide Trade Promotion" (see the answer of Oskar M. Zurell in our November 2009 newsletter at ).
I don't know the other mark. I trust in the help of our expert members.
Giorgio Busetto

Christophe Ginter writes:
...The following Dutch silver maker was active after 1814.
Does one ASCAS fellow member know about him?

Ann Daniel writes:
...I found these two spoons and a few others at a thrift shop a few years ago.
Can anyone tell me the dates and if they are electroplate or silver?
Ann Daniel
You can find the information you need (years 1852 and 1865) in my website at
Obviously your spoons are electroplated silver and not sterling silver.
Giorgio Busetto

ASCAS receives these mails following the publication of David McKinley's article " THE BACKGROUND TO 'DUTY DODGERS' " in December 2009 Newsletter
Dear Giorgio,
I read the interesting article by David McKinley - The Background To "Duty Dodgers".
It is very interesting and well written, nevertheless, I do not agree with the final sentence:
"The marks on the base of the coffee pot shown in the December newsletter are a mixture of a pre 1739 date letter, with its heater shield outline, and 1739 to 1755 lion and leopard with their indented outlines and thus the pot is easily recognisable as a ‘Duty Dodger’!"
It is my opinion that all the set of hallmarks is from London 1668 (probably taken from an item of that period), apart the maker mark that, according to Jackson (1) is Richard Green (registered in 1726).
Please consider the following observations:
- in the London hallmarks series 1739 – 1755 the indented outlines follows the lion passant only at the base
- although not completely struck, the leopard head seems to have a beard (not present in the 1739-1755 series)
- the shape of the coffee pot (apart the flat chasing work which was surely applied later) indicates a pattern dating 1725 – 1735, not longer in use in 1739 – 1755.
Please have a look of the example of hallmarks of both periods attached to this mail.
Kind regards
Giovanni Ciceri
(1) Charles J. Jackson , 1964. English Goldsmiths and their marks - A history of the goldsmiths and plate workers of England, Scotland and Ireland. Second revised edition. Dover Publications Inc., New York.
hallmarks London 1672
hallmarks London 1673 Peter Downeham
hallmarks London 1676
hallmarks London 1742 John Fossey

Dear Giorgio,
I have read Giovanni's remarks and agree about the maker. This is of interest because, as he was both a Liveryman and a church warden, it shows that even respectable goldsmiths were not above this sort of fraud.
I have checked some of my references and must also agree that coffee pots of this design were still being made in the reign of George I but I was not implying that the pot was of the 1739 to 1755 period, only that the marks appeared to be.
As I said earlier I am quite happy to concede that they could be 1668.
Incidentally Giovanni states that the indented top of the lion outline was only common to the 17th century period. Actually there was an alternative punch of this sort produced somewhen between 1739 and 1755. It is not known exactly when this punch came into use because only the date letters were recorded (using printer's ink in the margin of the minute book) until 1760 when the lions and leopards make their first appearance.
All of this shows how difficult it is to be sure of hallmarks but the style of this coffee pot is such that whether the marks were 1668 or 1739/55 it must be a duty dodger as Giovanni said in his original article.
I am glad Giovanni found my article otherwise useful.
David McKinley

Replies to questions

RJ Spencer receives this reply about his German flatware set 
(see December 2009 Newsletter)
Oskar M. Zurell writes:
In yours preliminary answer in actually # 67 to "Auerhahn" (grouse) flatware question by RJ Spencer I remember directly a fault of Mrs. Waliczek, vol. 3, p. 92, nr. 493-495; she has placed wrong (!) in Stuttgart; but it is in Altensteig/Württemberg (a little old town in Black Forest area). Popular collectors name is "Auerhahn" (grouse); now a subsidiary of WMF - merged around 2000 or later.
I add an excerpt photo of "Auerhahn" maker's mark. The grouse stand for Silver; letters for Plated!"(Actually they mark also by their full name AUERHAHN - but I haven't actually any example.)
Actually I couldn't give additional information to pattern question by RJ Spencer; because it was and still is out of my preferred stylistic range of Art nouveau/Art deco. It's made in by me so (derogate!) called "Art eclecteau" (= "Art eclectic"). But I will look out to find an answer on pattern by "Auerhahn" PR department. Pattern style is (company is founded 1870) after 1871 and before 1900; maybe 1890? Production of this pattern was at least until 1914 - but had maybe a bourgeois revival from 1918 to 1945?"
Kind regards,
Oskar M. Zurell


In this column we present a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
an ancient carboard case of The Wm. Rogers Manufg. Co

an ancient carboard case of The Wm. Rogers Manufg. Co

This month ASCAS presents an ancient cardboard case containing 12 Dessert Knives manufactured by The Wm. Rogers Manufg. Co, Hartford, Conn.


Solid Steel Handle - Silver Triple Plate

The firm was organized in 1865 by William Rogers and his elder son Wm. Rogers, jr. The firm manufactured plated silverware and in 1879 took over the Rogers Cutlery Co. (manufacturers of silverplated flatware and steel cutlery). The firm became part of International Silver Co. in 1898.


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary" 
courtesy of home page
fiddle thread spoon



The "fiddle" pattern had its origins in France about 1675, but is not found in English silver until a century later. Its handle's shape resembles a fiddle (violin) with the stem like a finger-board and the body with smooth parallel sides extending towards a rounded terminal.
This pattern was also very common in American coin silver, was highly popular in the early part of the 19th century and generally replaced the Old English as the most popular pattern.....


In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page
SH over DC mark, Hayne & Cater, London 1840



The business of manufacturing silversmith was commenced by Thomas Wallis sr. in 1758 c. He was succeeded in 1777 c. by Thomas Wallis jr. who in 1810 entered in partnership with Jonathan Hayne.
The partnership was dissolved in 1816 and in 1821 Jonathan Hayne entered his first mark.
In 1836 his son Samuel Holditch Hayne entered a new mark in partnership with Dudley Frank Cater (a former apprentice) under the style Hayne & Co., assuming full control of the firm after the death of Jonathan Hayne (1848).....


In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)
The "book on my shelf" of this month presents:
Silver, for pleasure and investment, John Gilford - London - 1969 book Silver, for pleasure and investment, John Gilford - London - 1969 book
The author writes in book's preface:
While the word 'investment' appears in the sub-title and may lead a reader to expect some kind of list of prices, none has been provided. Such guides are of little or no use through being out-dated as soon as they are written. They can refer only to a particular item in a particular occasion, whether in an auction-room or a shop, and generalisations are not helpful in connexion with antiques. Thus, the only worthwhile course for a potential buyer is to go to a reputable dealer and remember the epigram of Benvenuto Cellini, the sixteenth century Florentine artist, silver-smith and sculptor. His words, which incidentally form the motto of the British Antique Dealers' Association, were: Ars non habet inimicum nisi ignorantiam: Art has no enemy except ignorance. It is to be hoped that this book will contribute to the reader's knowledge and enjoyment, and enable him to invest with confidence.


In this column we present images and descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and Scottish families as engraved on silver items.
square shaped salver with Lambert crest


An Irish family. A centaur shooting an arrow from a bow.
The crest is engraved on a square shaped salver, hallmarked John Hamilton, Dublin 1739-41, with an applied border of quatrefoils and acanthus leaves.
The center is chased with a figure of a mounted racehorse surrounded by the inscription "A FORTY POUND PLATE GIVEN BY YE GENTLEMEN OF YE COUNTY OF GALWAY RUN FOR YE COURSE OF PARK YE 19TH OF SEPR.1741 BY HORSES &C CARRYING TEN STONE" underneath "WON BY CHARLES LAMBERT'S HORSE CAESAR'"
square shaped salver with Lambert crest


Closing our January 2010 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Guillaume Bernard, Giovanni Ciceri, Ann Daniel, Robin Darnell, H. Dinerstein, Philippe Dupont, Jayne Dye, Marina Fedeli, Jaqueline Gori, Neil McElroy, David McKinley, Postnikov, Christine Zachary, Oskar M. Zurell for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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