Articles for ASCAS website
Sinfield presents 'A flacon and a lighter ' the story of a
perfume flacon presented to delegates participating in 1912 in the
Conference ratifying the Convention Radiotelegraphique
click here |
article on famous Bateman silversmiths family 'A female
silversmith: Hester Bateman 1708 - 1794'
by Charles Cook (courtesy of Charles Cook - The Lion Passant).
click here. |
Burstyn presents 'Forging Modernities: California Metals in
Context' a conference held in Oakland and the Bay Area on
November 12 - 14, 2004. The aim of the conference was to examine the
development of modernity in California and to give an up to date
description of the modern scene in metalsmithing.
click here. |
List of members
Welcome to new ASCAS members:
Penelope Andrews - USA
Richard Archer - USA
Libba Barnes - USA
Robbin Roger Beever de Beauvoir - USA
Tom Bennett - England UK
Rudi Boem - Italy
Grant Brophy - USA
Shaun Bruce - England UK
Ray Chastain - USA
Chris Drake - USA
Jayne W. Dye - USA
Rachel Franklin - USA
David L. Jr Frothingham - USA
Grigore Girjoaba - Romania
Barbara Gray - USA
Robin Greenwald - USA
Giorgio Guida - Italy
Antonio Iannantuoni - Italy
Sandra Kampf - USA
William Kelly - USA
Paolo Leonelli - Italy
Justin Lewis - England UK
Joyce McDonald - USA
Carol McKillop-Masch - Scotland UK
Andrew Nadell - USA
Massimo Pasquinelli - Italy
Marion Pathey-Johns - Australia
Andrea Perego - Italy
Yvonne Pinter - USA
Philippe Rauscher - France
Sharon Romano - Israel
Kathy Romero - USA
Lisa Samual - England
Sam L. Samuels - USA
Jolie Shelton - USA
Michael Wells - USA
Diana S. Wheeler - USA
H. Widdas - USA
Scott Williams - USA
R.L. Willmarth - USA
ASCAS has now 168 members.
The updated list of ASCAS members is now available
(only for members)
Members' Window # 8
Busetto and Mario Rosario Bonello present 'A Walker & Hall coffee
pot'. This sterling silver coffee pot was made in Sheffield in
1902 by Walker & Hall firm.
click here |
Questions from ASCAS members
Maurizio Perota submits the photos of its covered jug with Berthold
Muller, London importation mark of 1910.
(click on images to enlarge)
Do any members recognize the marks of the maker of this 'Hanau
Two replies to Richard McDanel's question in November newsletter
Bill Kime writes:
reference to Richard McDanel's question about the marks on a sauce
boat and a tureen, featured in the ASCAS newsletter #7, November,
2004, I've seen similar marks on silver plated wares here in Canada
on several occasions... (more...
click here) |
What is this piece ???
Gerald Gerhart writes:
I am forwarding some photos in the hope that you or one of the other
members can help me to identify this unusual piece.
As you can see from the photos, this piece is silver-gilt with a
repousse design on the top lid. It is hallmarked London 1894 and has a
maker's mark that seems to be "G.LeJ".
It weighs approximately 10 oz. (350 g) and is 3 3/4 in x 2 1/4 in x 1
3/4 in (95 mm x 55mm x 45 mm). When opened (it has a snap closing), the
top reveals two wire supports that fold upwards. The bottom has a 3 in.
(75 mm) slot and a threaded hole that looks as though it might be used
to mount something that might slide (for adjustment) and rest on the two
My best guess is that it may have been used to mount some sort of
scientific instrument, but I may be way off-base!
If you, or anyone else in ASCAS has any idea what this would have been
used for, I would greatly appreciate your input.
Gerry Gerhart
(click on images to enlarge)
I've received from Don Richardson, a visitor of our website, a photo
of an unusual object. Don writes in his e-mail:
'Is this an antique or what is it exactly, my child broke the glass
and would like to have a new one made. But I do not know if it is worth
it. '
I don't know what this strange object is used for but I'm sure that
ASCAS members will resolve this little mystery.
ASCAS on line... and... ASCAS on paper...
most important Italian antiques magazine 'Antiquariato' (Giorgio
Mondadori Editore) on its November 2004 issue devoted a wide review
of our website and to ASCAS' activity.
Furthermore, all the websites reviewed by Antiquariato's staff on
this page (devoted to silver 'on line') belong to ASCAS members:
(Tom Guarrera) (Giorgio Busetto) (Rafe H. Nottage).
This is a concrete proof of the interest and visibility obtained by
ASCAS among people interested to antiques.
Maybe other magazines in other countries have published news about
ASCAS. Your informations will be welcomed.
(click on image to enlarge)
Closing our December newsletter I hope you have appreciated its
Your comments, suggestions and advices will be of great help.
My thanks to Mario Rosario Bonello, Dorothea Burstyn, Charles Cook,
Hymie Dinerstein, Jayne Dye, Gerald Gerhart, Bill Kime, Maurizio Perota
and Fred Sinfield, for their precious contributions.
Giorgio Busetto