Another idea on GGG marks suggested by an ASCAS member
In my search for information about your Teapot Logo, I did wish to mention a strong indication that your teapot may be a huge collectors item, and may be older than you think, maybe not. Consider this.
Your Teapot may simply be an overstrike, of a Hester Bateman, or Peter and Ann Bateman! Outstanding Silversmiths Worldwide.
Located in the Pocket Edition Jackson's Hallmarks, on page 56 you will notice the makers mark GG. and in the comments it is stated "Often Overstruck on the work of Hester Bateman and Peter and Ann Bateman."
Made in the Last 1/4 of the 18th Century.
I have searched many "Bateman" silver items and have found many examples of their work, and one example of the GG (George Gray) (London) markings referred to in the book. Although it is a single struck item, there are several indications of the double strike issue.
Attached is a link to the family of Bateman's, and some of their history. Also a link to the teapot that I refer to above.
I believe this is a strong indication of what your Teapot represents. There needs to be more research as to if the Teapot is a Hester, Peter or Ann Bateman item, but I believe this is a STRONG indication that you have a Bateman.
I realize that the Batemans had makers marks of their own, however the (GG, George Gray) does have an association with the Batemens, and cannot be ignored.
See attached links:
Bateman Family
M. Ford Creech Antiques2 (Silver Creamer)
Bateman GG
William grandson g
Teapot's hallmarks have provoked a great interest between ASCAS members and many hypothesis were expressed.
I'm very grateful for the suggestions I've received, but, unfortunately, I believe that no one has solved the mistery of the unknown origin of my teapot.