ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 43 - DECEMBER 2007
YOUR GUIDE TO DECEMBER NEWSLETTER: articles    new members    members' window
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search engine    silver dictionary (updated)    disclaimer and privacy policy

2008 ASCAS membership

No fees are requested nor accepted for ASCAS membership.
Members still interested to ASCAS and its activity are invited to send an e-mail to

confirming their 2008 membership (the simplest way is to use the 'reply' button on our December e-mail).
I apologize for this little effort requested to whomever appreciates and supports ASCAS activity.

No action is requested to unsubscribe. Members not confirming their membership will be automatically deleted and shipping of our monthly Newsletter will be suspended on February 2008.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary


After many months (last July 2007) ASCAS presents two new articles. I was for a long time doubtful about the decision to publish two new articles in December. The "reserve" of available articles is small and this choice may penalize the regularity of future issues.
Anyway the choice is done and I'm faithful that your help will grant a great future to ASCAS and its Newsletters.
My best wishes of a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2008.
Giorgio Busetto

Two new articles for ASCAS website

Sugar bowl dating from 1890s, by Izrael Szekamn Paulina Wojdak presents:

19th Century Sugar Boxes in Poland English version

Volumes were written about silver forms in gothic, renaissance and baroque, but hardly silver collectors have knowledge and information about Polish silver. The objective of this article is to familiarize collectors with 19th century Polish sugar boxes and illustrate types and varieties of these daily used items.......

click here English version


Spratling silver salt cellar (rosewood legs) Linda Drew presents:

The World of Mexican Silver Salts English version

"Worthwhile silver requires that it be identified with the name and reputation of its maker" William Spratling
The history of silver in Mexico combines both legend and fact.
Taxco is the center - it is located between Acapulco and southwest of Mexico City in the hills.
Before the Spanish arrived, the native Indians called it TLACHO meaning the place of the ballgame. According to local legend, the Aztecs had the locals pay tribute to them with gold bars. Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1521 and then staked his mining claim in Taxco.......

click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Lindy Bartrum - New Zealand
Piergiorgio Brini - Italy
Vincent de la Celle - France
Damien Francois - Belgium
Katy Galewski - USA
Eva Ghazi - USA
Ronald Kurstin - USA
Jane Lawnhurst - USA
Regina Mears - USA
Katherine Palthey - France
Christopher Raynor - England UK
Malcolm Rice - England UK
Robert C. Rust - USA
Graham Spiers - England UK
Mark Stedman - USA
Donna Thomasson - USA
Marisue Traina - USA
Joanne Wilkinson - USA

Members' Window # 43

double salt cellar with a missing centre part

Willand Ringborg presents:

The missing centre piece of a Russian double salt-cellar English version

A Russian double salt cellar with a missing part - the centre-piece. Hypothesis about the missing part .....

click here English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Deb Sacco writes:
... I was wondering if you could help me date these egg shape salt & pepper shakers.
I can't locate any information on them. They are marked E.G. Webster & Son, Quadruple Plate and one is inscribed "Worlds Fair", the other "Souvenir".
I understand the trademark would date them 1873-1923. Correct me if this is in error.
To the best of my knowledge, these are circa 1898 - 1901. Likely 1898 Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition - Omaha, Nebraska. Or possibly Buffalo N.Y. 1901(Pan-American).
Other Worlds Fairs do not fit in with the trademark. My family was in the Omaha area post 1895 so I think the 1898 Expo in Omaha is most likely but can't document Webster items availability at any of the fairs or expos.
Do you know if other Webster & Son items are known from these expos?
Deb Sacco

Ben Arnold writes:
... I was given the plate silver dish some time ago and am attempting to find out something about it. As you can see, it has little silver left and I don't imagine it's worth much, but I like to know the age, the history of things.
I found the marks, "W" within a shield, a compass, "A" within a shield, and have determined that it was made by William Adams (Founded 1865), Birmingham, UK and New York, USA. Also, it had the number 49342 impressed upon its bottom, presumably a model number.
I am not at all sure it's a butter dish; I simply found something very much like it online by another maker and that was described as a shell butter dish.
Can you suggest a good reference book for William Adams' works? The history of this particular William Adams' company?
Do you, perhaps, know a better name for the type of dish this is?
Thank you.
Ben Arnold

John C. Fitzgerald writes:
... My grandfather won a cup in 1890 for the Senior Sculls at the Warrnambool Regatta in Victoria, Australia.
The cup is 15.5cms high and 10cms wide from handle to handle. The only damage is to what looks like an oar, being held by the figure on top of the cup. What would be the oar's blade had been broken.
The handles are emblazoned with a most expressive bearded man's visage.
The cup was presented to my paternal grandfather (J. C. Fitzgerald) for winning the Senior Sculls on the 15th February 1890 at the Warrnambool Regatta. The inscription recites the cup was presented by "Ë. Tilley" and that my grandfather was of the Footscray Club (Footscray being a suburb of Melbourne situated on the Maribyrnong River).
Warrnambool is a seaside city 365 Kilometres East of Melbourne. Now a centre for several small industries and for holidays but in the mid to late 19th century a bustling port and entry to the gold fields of Victoria and export port for the wool and produce of Western Victoria.
In the late 19th century and early 20th sculling and bike riding were dominant sports in Australia and both were professional. My grandfather was well known and a champion in both sports.
I attach also the photo of the Hallmark on the bottom of the cup.
Can you or someone you can refer me to help me to identify the markings
John C. Fitzgerald

Your cup was made by Boardman, Glossop & Co, Sheffield.
The mark B&G CS is quoted also in my private website at
Thank you for sharing with us your interesting information about a forgotten event.
Giorgio Busetto

Damien Francois writes:
... I found your web site researching information about an item I bought recently. It is extremely informative .... particularly for a novice as I am for silver matter.
About my piece, I know only that it was made in Denmark but the meaning of "HCF" and " DTA" (or D "hammer" A ?) marks is unknown to me.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Damien Francois

HCF is the assayer's mark of Christian Fr. Heise (active 1904-1932) and your item was made in 1923.
I'm unable to identify the maker, but I'll publish your question in December Newsletter and I trust on ASCAS members for an exhaustive reply to your question.
Giorgio Busetto

Dave Weinhandl writes:
... I enjoy your site. I was searching for the definition of E.P.C.A. that I have on some of my Poole pieces. I can only find a reference for EPC.
Does someone know the meaning of EPCA? I assume it is an Electroplate type of some kind.

JoAnne Wilkinson writes:
... These say Lasserre on the front and there are some initials J D &S. I did as you suggested and looked it up on your website under those initials and found James Dixon & Sons. The Crown & Lion are the same but attached is the approx. letter and I couldn't decide what it is, so am attaching a drawn photo since I don't have a camera available to pick them up.
I appreciate all you did to help me, just curious who this Lasserre would be, a man or woman? Or is it the name for a particular design?
There is a loop on the back to sew them to whatever you want to use the buttons on and they are 1 1/8" in diameter.
The box says sterling silver on the satin.
Thanks for anything you can tell me.
JoAnne Wilkinson

I believe that your buttons were made in 1901, but I have no knowledge about Lasserre (possibly the sculptor)
Giorgio Busetto

Replies to questions

Mario Galasso receives these replies to his question about his candlesticks: ( see October/November Newsletter)
Fred Sinfield writes:
... A partial reply to Mario Galasso question.
Wenzell Bachmann & Co of Vienna, active 1842 to 1914, had a warrant to use the Hapsburg eagle mark and punched their wares as seen on the candlesticks.
The 'AS 1862' is unknown and cannot trace any reference, unfortunately.

Allen Carlson receives further information about the maker of his spoon: ( see October/November Newsletter)
Robert Massart writes:
... Reacting on the request of Allen Carlson to define the maker of the stuffing spoon, he also can find information on the website
John Hunt & Robert Roskell (later Storr & Mortimer) - London
Marks entered 1865

Dominique Bochet receives this reply to the question about the mark of his sugar tongs ( see October/November Newsletter):  
Christophe Ginter writes:
...and referring to D. Bochet's question, the mark is for:
Silversmith J. Rogé,
appointed master ca. 1760
town of Blaye (region of Bordeaux, France).

further information about this mark are available in
July 2008 Newsletter  



In this column we present a page (one page only) obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs or whatever other printed paper, which may be of particular interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
an Anchor Silver Plate Co advertising in a 1905 (not identified) magazine This month ASCAS presents two ancient advertisings:

92-98 State Street CHICAGO

" ...making School Badges, College Pins, Secret Society Jewelry, Medals and all such work of that kind. We will be pleased to submit special designs in this kind of work. We will guarantee that the work will be right and at a low price. "


Taunton, Mass.

".... Manufacturers of the F.B. ROGERS brand of silver-plated ware...."



In this column we presents an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page
Victorian silver chatelaine: London 1870


The silver chatelaine is an ornamental clasp worn in daytime at a woman's waist, attached to a belt of girdle with a hook-plate from which are suspended several (usually five but up to nine) shorts chain terminating with rings of swivel catches to which are attached various small objects for daily household use.........



In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
(click to enlarge images)
The "book on the shelf" of this month is

History of
by Frederick Bradbury
printed by
St. Martin's Street, London
History of Old Sheffield Plate: a book by Frederick Bradbury, 1912
Being an Account of the
and of the
History of Old Sheffield Plate: a page from the book by Frederick Bradbury, 1912

Closing our DECEMBER 2007 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Ben Arnold (USA), Linda Drew (USA), John C. Fitzgerald (Australia), Damien Francois (Belgium), Christophe Ginter (France), Robert Massart (Belgium), Willand Ringborg (Sweden), Deb Sacco (USA), Fredric Sinfield (Australia), Dave Weinhandl, JoAnne Wilkinson (USA), Paulina Wojdak (Poland), for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.