ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 32 - December 2006
YOUR GUIDE TO THE DECEMBER NEWSLETTER: articles    new members    members' window
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silver dictionary (updated)    disclaimer and privacy policy

2007 ASCAS membership

No fees are requested nor accepted for ASCAS membership.
Members still interested to ASCAS and its activity are invited to send an e-mail to

confirming their 2007 membership (the simplest way is to use the 'reply' button on our December e-mail).
I apogize for this little effort requested to whomever appreciates and supports ASCAS activity.

No action is requested to unsubscribe. Members not confirming their membership will be automatically deleted and shipping of our monthly Newsletter will be suspended on February 2007.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary

Two new articles for ASCAS website

Queen Elisabeth II Coronation

Giovanni Ciceri presents:

British and Irish commemorative hallmarks - part two - English version
Marchi commemorativi Britannici e Irlandesi - seconda parte - versione italiana

Since 1935 a number of hallmarks (usually optional ones) have been approved and struck on silverware to commemorate some important events such as the sovereign coronation and jubilee, historical anniversaries, the new millennium, etc.
British and Irish commemorative silver pieces represent a sector of collection very interesting for their historical implication, mainly related to the British monarchy. The items bearing commemorative hallmarks are often very fine replicas of ancient and historical pieces.....

click here English version       clicca qui versione italiana


silver warmer of circular shape, standing on four paw feet, gadrooned embossed body, pierced lid with floral motif, double scroll handle Giorgio Busetto presents:

A forgotten object: the silver warmer English version
Un oggetto di cui si è dimenticato l'uso: lo scaldino d'argento versione italiana

When central heating was not available, besides stove and fireplace, another heating item was used in ancient times: the warmer (or brazier).
It was a container in metal, terracotta or ceramic filled with embers and warm ash used as personal heating support and bed warming.
The female custom to hold the warmer next to the body or under the garment is the origin of the popular Dutch belief that women could be made pregnant simply by holding the warmer on their womb.....
click here English version       clicca qui versione italiana


New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Carolyn Cotton - USA
Glenn R. Davis - USA
Hamid Ghambarezade - Iran
Leslie Gray - England UK
Annie Keogh - England UK
Thomas E. Marshall - USA
Govinda Overcash - USA
Silvia Perini - Italy
Joette Pierce - USA
Ginny Riley - USA
Juan Alfonso Samayoa Azmitia Guatemala
Glenn Shearer - USA
Delia Sinden - England UK
Suzanne Young - Canada

Members' Window # 32

Cruet stand - Genoa (Torretta) 1795 Attilio Porsia and Giorgio Busetto present:

A collection of silver and crystal cruet stands English version
Una collezione di oliere in argento e cristallo tra '700 e '800 versione italiana

The Italian, French and "Continental" tradition refers to "cruet stand" as the oil and vinegar container, sometimes with salt and pepper shakers, rarely accompanied by spice, mustard or other condiment casters, bottles and jars.....

click here English version       clicca qui versione italiana


Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

An appeal by Karin Sixl-Daniell:

Has any ASCAS member seen an example of a cutlery set made by the firm of Hermann Ratzersdorfer of Vienna? A publication just mentioning one would be of assistance also
Hermann Ratzersdorfer is a 19th century Viennese silversmith, Karin is working on research about a cutlery set of this silversmith
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary

Jayne Dye writes:
This spoon is 6 in. long with a circular bowl 1 & 11/16ths in. diameter. The handle is attached as a rattail at a 45 degree angle. There are no worn areas. Members of another silver forum commented that it appeared to be a 'premium' or 'commercial product'. Premiums would be packaged inside a box of cereal or another product. The company expected buyers to choose their brand because of the 'prize' or premium included. My memory of these type products is that each week the enclosed premium would be another piece so that the buyers had to continue buying the product each week to complete their sets. Sometimes box tops were collected and mailed in for the premium. I am unable to think of anything this spoon would make a part of. Several persons said they have seen these frequently in silverplate spoon lots. No one has come up with a maker. It serves very nicely as a cranberry sauce spoon . I wish to know more. My guess would be American.
Does an ASCAS member have any suggestion?

Mario Nuvolari writes:
recently bought a silver "tastevin" (wine taster) ; it is supposed to be French (XVIII century?) and it bears these marks (see photos).
Can anyone help me to identify them?
Thank you
Mario Nuvolari

Alessandro Colemann writes:
I have a pair of pieces that I'd wish to know more about:
a serving set with French hallmark and a four-leaf clover and E:MOLLE into a lozenge.

and a silver plated sauce boat with unidentified silver marks (possibly French?)
  Thank you in advance
Alessandro Colemann
The maker of your set is:
Edmond Molle - 114 Rue du Temple Paris
registered 11 May 1898 and cancelled 25 September 1919
I hope that ASCAS mambers will be able to identify the mark of the silver plate sauce boat

Renée Watkins writes:
I have recently purchased 4 Sterling serving spoons. They are stamped with the marks attached. I have not been able to identify the marks and would very much appreciate your help.
Renée Watkins

Your spoon was made in Holland in 1867.
I publish Renée's question and I hope that ASCAS members can identify the maker.

Mike Dawson writes:
... I stumbled across your site looking for a way to identify a pitcher that has been in my family for over 150 years. I'm not looking for a price, just an id. I can't find any marks on it that would help someone like me (clueless). I'm doing a research paper on it and having some information on how and where it was produced would greatly help me.
Mike Dawson

In absence of any mark it's very difficult to identify the origin of a silver object. I trust in ASCAS members for some useful suggestions for your research.
Giorgio Busetto

Hamid Ghanbarezade writes:
... I send you some photos of my teapot marked SB&M.
I hope you may help me identifying the maker. I think it isn't silver but silverplate, but I'd wish to know something more about its history.
In Iran antique is very much, and silver and silver plate of Russian origin is available. I'd need information about "norblin" -- "Galw"-- "warsowa" marks
Thank you in advance
Hamid Ghanbarezade

Ginny Riley writes:
... I am trying to identify a Austrian silversmith who worked after 1922 for a friend. So unfortunately the CD-Rom on 'Viennese gold- and silversmiths from 1781 and 1921 would not help in this task.
I have attached a photo of the hallmark.
The first mark is one used in Austria since 1922.
The "" stands for the city of Vienna.
That's a toucan head in the center.
The "4" on the right stands for a silver purity of .750.
However the middle hallmark appears to be 800 with a period at the top.
I do not know if this signifies 800 silver or is another mark?
And the last mark is JxH.
If you have any information on this maker, I would be very grateful.
Ginny Riley


Replies to questions

Jaquie Mallory of the Soo Line Historical Museum wrote on November Newsletter:
... I have a burning question for you.... My board of directors is worried about the constant polishing of our collection. We use Silvo silver polish, and they are worried with the polishing all of the time that we will be getting down to the copper below, on some of the artifacts. Are you aware of a product that helps keep the shine longer? We have a number of airtight cabinets - that can go 3 years or so without cleaning. However we have pieces that sit out that need constant cleaning.
I have 2 elderly volunteers who just slather on the Silvo, and like to polish alot! So I was just curious if you had any information ....
Thank You !!

Jaquie receives these replies to her appeal:

Ian Cook writes:

I may have the answer for the question posed by Jacquie in November Newsletter regarding polish. I use GODDARD'S Long Term Silver Polish and have found that it's 'long term' protective properties are exceedingly good. The formulation, while providing excellent cleaning properties, also inhibits retarnishing. I have found that the lustre and shine remains for much longer than the results produced by other cleaners. Additionally, the Company also produces a polishing cloth that, when used in conjunction with the liquid polish will maintain that 'just polished look'. For ornate piece's it is recommended to rinse the polish off rather than rub.
The products are widely available in the UK, but I am not to sure about Internationally!
Best Regards
Lloyd Prator writes:
I am always reluctant to polish electroplated wares too vigorously or frequently. Repeated polishing will, indeed, wear away the silver and expose the base metal. While I don't collect plated wares, I use Haggerty's silver wash on things which need frequent polishing. It seems to be a less aggressive form of silver polish. Better to put the things under glass and use Haggerty's anti-tarnish paper strips to keep them shining.
Lloyd Prator
Maja Heynecke writes:
If there are items in our house that we have standing out, and the way we keep them clean is by washing them fairly often in dishwashing liquid that has lemon as one of the ingredients. This keeps the items fairly clean, and it keeps them polished and sparkling for much longer without having to polish them, and is not as corrosive as Silvo polish or similar.
Sometimes I rub some of my more marked and blackened silver items with a lemon and leave it to stand for a few minutes before rinsing them off with dishwashing liquid, which works very well.
Jayne W. Dye writes:
This URL is an excellent article for Jackie Mallory of the Soo Line Museum. For your Board and your volunteers: Print the entire article found at (click here). You are right to be concerned. The situation you describe might be handled by a silver cloth only, if cleaning is weekly, and the cleaners should wear soft cotton gloves. Next safest, with less frequent cleaning, might be a bit of a 'dip' product on a cotton ball, passed lightly over the surface then followed by a gentle wash and then the silver cloth. Silvo is mentioned as a good product; rubbing is mentioned as harmful. Do read the entire article.
Jayne W. Dye

Fred Lange receives this reply about his item ( see November Newsletter)
  Maja Heynecke writes:
Fred, your silver piece looks like a butter or caviar dish. The rolltop is quite common in caviar dishes, and it would have a glass dish inside it, with ice underneath the silver lining. The mark is not so clear, but it doesn't look like a reproduction to me. I can't make out the mark. Beresford?
Maja Heynecke

Jayne Dye writes:
in the original question, November, no measurements were given.
I agree that it is not likely to be a reproduction. My very similar piece (32 cm outside length, 22 cm inside length) is a vegetable server. It has a pierced silver (not glass) insert (hot vegetables drain), then a solid tray (catches the drainage), then a place for hot water (to keep the vegetables warm). It has the same large domed hood. A very similar vegetable server is shown here:
Jayne Dye

Carole McKillop-Mash receives this reply about her "Chinese" bowl: ( see November Newsletter)
  Hymie Dinerstein writes:
The Chinese marks are possibly the marks of 'Chewshing' and the Chinese marks possibly Jui Chi. The Dutch small coffee spoons copies with pseudo Dutch marks of which there are over 615 fake or pseudo marks that I have found and they were probably made sometime after 1890. Beware of these fake marks as at a quick glance, sometime they are quite similar to original marks especially on apostle spoons.
Hymie Dinerstein

Michael Blake writes about the mysterious hallmarks of his coffee pot on #26 June 2006 Newsletter: ( see June Newsletter)
...Just a note to let you know that my infamous Coffee/Chocolate pot (see June/July Newsletters) has been assessed by the London Assay Office and found to be a duty dodger.
Kind regards,
Michael Blake

Thank you for your information. Also in this case Giovanni Ciceri (ASCAS member, keen expert of English silver) gave the right response (see #27 July Newsletter)
Giorgio Busetto



In this column we present a page (one page only) obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs or whatever other printed paper, which may be of particular interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
a page from 1972 catalog  of Fabbrica Argenteria Vicentina - Vicenza (Italy) This month ASCAS presents the images of items from the 1972 catalogue of Fabbrica Argenteria Vicentina - Vicenza (Italy), mark "230 VI" into a lozenge.

The five coffee pots named "caffettiera rustica" are the typical "cogoma" shape of ancient Venetian tradition.

1972 catalog  of Fabbrica Argenteria Vicentina - Vicenza (Italy)


ASCAS needs new images for next editions of this column.
Members' contribution will be greatly appreciated.
Please send your images and information to ASCAS e-mail address at


In this column we presents an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page
vase decorated in 'silver overlay'


Silver has been used to decorate bronze, copper, and earthenware for ages. Silver on glass, however, started to come into its own a little over a century ago.
In 1889 Oscar Pierre Erard of Birmingham, England, developed an effective method of electroplating silver on glass and porcelain. Although beautiful on the outside, it shared an important shortcoming with its predecessors. The reverse side of the silver design, the side next to the glass would tarnish and turn dark.....


Closing our DECEMBER 2006 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Michael Blake (England UK), Giovanni Ciceri (Italy), Alessandro Colemann (Italy), Ian Cook (England UK), Mike Dawson, Hymie Dinerstein (England UK), Jayne Dye (USA), Hamid Ghanbarezade (Iran), Maja Heynecke (South Africa), Mario Nuvolari (Italy), Attilio Porsia (Italy), Lloyd Prator (USA), Ginny Riley (USA), Karin Sixl-Daniell (Austria), Renée Watkins (Canada), for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.