by Joanne Wiertella
click on images to enlarge
Jewelry boxes manufactured in America during the
early 1900’s, are a remembrance of our history and a
time during which spiritual expression was conveyed
through art.
Antique jewelry boxes (also called jewel caskets or
trinket boxes) are delightful treasures often decorated
with angels or cherubs.
Both angels and cherubs represent winged heavenly beings.
Cherubs are depicted as beautiful, innocent, chubby
babies with wings.
Cupid, the son of the goddess of love in both Greek and
Roman mythology, was a beautiful young boy with wings
who used gold-tipped arrows if he wished two people to
fall in love.
All these -angels, cherubs, and Cupid- signified the
message of love.
Cherubs have appeared in works of art from the time of
ancient Mesopotamia and remained a common theme in Greek,
Byzantine and European paintings and sculpture.
Late Christian-inspired art depicted cherubs as plump
children with wings, as in Raphael's Sistine Madonna.
During the late 1800's and early 1900's when Americans,
the English, and French were enjoying an artistic and
philosophical Renaissance, cherubs were an important
theme that reflected the virtuous ideals of the time,
yet also an appreciation of mankind’s place in the joys
and glories of the world -a spiritual contrast to the "cold"
Industrial Revolution.
Cherubs could be found described in literature,
portrayed on canvas and in sculpture, and as a design on
many decorations in the home.
Jewelry boxes, frequently covered with cherubs, hearts
and roses, were an expression of the Romantic Movement
-conferring the message of love. This was an era when
people not only spoke the words "I love you," but an
article given as a gift, would confer that sentiment
with every incident of use.
A gentleman would give his lady fair not just a "present,"
but a physical manifestation of his affection spelled
out clearly by a symbolic messenger such as Cupid or a
Cherub. A jewel box was the perfect gift in the early
1900's for a gentleman to express his admiration for a
Jewel Box/Casket: Brainard & Wilson c1907
Jewel Box/Casket: Jennings Brothers, 1906-10
Jewel Box/Casket: NB Rogers 1907
Rococo Jewel Casket: Mfr Unknown c1904-10
Rococo Jewel Casket
Rococo Jewel Casket: detail
cherub: Rogers Jewel Casket/Case 1904-10
Joanne Wiertella - contact:
author of "The Jewel Box Book: The Definitive Guide to
American Art Metal Jewelry Boxes 1900-1925"
208 pages - full color book - more information available
- 2007 -