by Robert
click on images to enlarge
This is a solid silver mustard pot with original shaped
crystal liner made in France in the "Restoration" period,
reign of Louis Philippe (9 August 1830-24 February 1848).
It has amazing motifs of palm leaves, a finial in the form of a
pine-cone, a nice wide gadrooned edge rim and two high looped
handles ending in a swan's head. The hinged lid works perfectly.
vieillard (*)(greybeard) standing for French standard
fineness 950/1000 silver,
grosse garantie (*) guarantee mark,
tęte de bigorne (**)(beak-iron) for countermark,
giraffe (***)(inventory mark) + unknown mark.
Maker’s mark : nacelle (gondola) over AC over a point in a
lozenge (*), for the renowned French silversmith Etienne-Auguste
Courtois, working in Paris, 62 rue du Temple and active from
1834 till 1847. He was a specialist in tableware.
Dimensions: 110 mm high, 125 mm wide at the handles and a
diameter of 75 mm at the receptacle.
Weight of silver 110 g without the liner and 210 g with crystal
liner in place.
(*) Marks introduced on 16th August 1819
(**) Used from August 1819 till May 1838
(***) inventory mark struck when hall mark designs were changed
between 17th May and 1st October 1838
silver mustard pot: Paris 1834-1838
silver mustard pot: Paris 1834-1838
maker's mark: silversmith Etienne-Auguste
French standard fineness 950/1000 silver
grosse garantie (guarantee mark)
Beak-iron or ‘Bigorne’ used as countermark
from August 1819 till May 1838
Unknown mark
Inventory mark "Giraffe"
Robert Massart
- 2007 -