NEWS# 23
Catalog A. Calderoni
NEWS# 24
Encyclopédie Diderot & D'Alambert
NEWS# 25
Old Sheffield Plate Objects
NEWS# 26
Catalog Maison Boin-Taburet
NEWS# 27
Catalog Daniel Low & Co
NEWS# 28
Catalog Cesare Marinai - Milan
NEWS# 29
Catalog Daniel Low
NEWS# 30
Simeon L. & George H.Rogers Company catalog
NEWS# 31
A.Calderoni - Milan, catalog
NEWS# 32
Fabbrica Argenteria Vicentina - Vicenza, catalog
NEWS# 33
Community Silverplate adv
NEWS# 34
The Gordon co., Bridgeport , Conn, catalog
NEWS# 35
The Meriden Britannia Co 1886/7 catalog
NEWS# 36
E.V. Roddin & Co., Chicago catalog
NEWS# 37
Wm. Donaldson & Co, Minneapolis, 1904 catalog
NEWS# 38
19th c.engraving "Goldsamith"
NEWS# 39
1889 Illustrated Catalog
NEWS# 40
Watson & Newell Co. - Attleboro, Mass. 1904 catalog
NEWS# 41
Gorham Co., 1903 adv
NEWS# 42
Anchor Silver Plate co, 1905 adv
NEWS# 43
Juergen & Andersen Company adv
ART# 7
Russian hallnarks
ART# 19
Plateros y contrastes espanoles
Spamish hallmarks
ART# 35
Marks on 'Registered model' of the 'UK Patent Office'
ART# 41
Tiffany date letters and marks
ART# 46
Italian silver
Punzoni dell'argento italiano, dall'unita' d'Italia ai giorni nostri
ART# 59
Hamilton & Co
Hamilton & Co
ART# 70
British and Irish commemorative hallmarks - 1 -
Marchi commemorativi Britannici e Irlandesi - 1 -
ART# 71
- part 2 -
- parte 2 -
ART# 77
Elkington Electroplate Silver /Silver Plate
ART# 86
Britannia silver standard hallmarks in Great Britain
ART# 103
Hallmarks of Paris (France 1723-1774)
ART# 104
Marks of Berndorf Metalware Factory in Austria - Alpacca and Alpacca-Silver II Products
ART# 107
Une Imitation de Poincons Louis XV
An Imitation of Louis XV Hallmarks
ART# 112
Scottish marks
ART# 117
A Reappraisal of the Marks Used in the Harache Workshop
WIN# 51
Marks of Sicily
WIN# 52
Genoa hallmarks
WIN# 53
Marks of European Silver Plate: I. Sandrik, Slovakia
WIN# 57
II. Fraget & Norblin, Poland/Russia
WIN# 58
III. Bohrmann, Hartmann & Hepp, Germany
WIN# 59/1
IV. Hacker & Herrmann, Austria:
WIN# 61
V. Marks of European Silver Plate: V. Krupp & Wellner, Italy
WIN# 63/1
VI. Marks of European Silver Plate: WMF Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik, Germany
WIN# 77
VII. Marks of European Silver Plate: Gallia, Alfenide/Christofle, France
WIN# 95
Silver hallmarks: reproducing English and misunderstanding Italians
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