article # 97-98
by Jack F. Wilson



All spoons are silver gilt unless noted with (Ster.), indicating sterling silver. Q.H. signifies a special Queen's Head mark authorized for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Box in parentheses indicates original case for spoons. Dupl. shows a duplicate in the collection. Pair is self-evident, and an Arabic numeral in parentheses indicates the number of that example in the collection. Some silversmiths appear because they are known to have produced replicas, even though there is no example in this collection.
All sizes are in centimeters
click on RED for mark's image

Adams, William, Ltd. (Birmingham) W.A into a shield

Adie and Lovekin, Limited (Birmingham) A&LLD

1901 Birmingham 11.80

1910 Birmingham (Ster.) 12.10

1910 Birmingham (3) 12.10

Asprey, Charles and George (London) CA - GA into a shield

Bailey, A. J. (Birmingham) A-J-B into an octagon

1910 Birmingham 6.40

1910 Birmingham 10.80

1936 Birmingham 7.20

Banks, John Millward (Chester) J-M-B into an octagon

1901 Chester (Ster.) 13.00

1923 Chester (Ster.) 12.90

Barker Brothers, Limited (Birmingham) B.B over S. LD into a shield

1936 Birmingham 11.00

1952 Birmingham (pair, Q.H.) 5.80

1952 Birmingham (Q.H.) 9.80

1952 Birmingham (Box) 11.50

1952 Birmingham ((Ster., Q.H., Box) 25.30

1953 Birmingham 9.80

Barnard, Walter and John (London) W B J into a shield

Barnard, Edward, and Sons (London) & over E B S over LD into a shield (1911-1952),
or EB over SS into a shield

1910 London 9.80

1910 London (Ster.) 11.10

1911 London (Ster.) 16.40

1952 London (Q.H.) 11.00

Barnard, William, Michael and John and Sons with Robert Dubock (London) W M J and S surrounding a large B over RD, into a shield

1901 London 11.10

1901 London (pair) 25.60

Bishton’s, Limited (Birmingham) B.LD into a hide-shaped rectangle

Boyton, Charles III (London) C B into an oval

1901 London 10.20

1902 London 9.50

Boyton, Charles, and Son (London) C B & S into a trefoil

1910 London 16.70

1910 London 20.30

1911 London (11) 11.50

Bradbury, Thomas & Sons Ltd (London) TB over & S into a shield

Britton, Gould & Company (Birmingham, London, Sheffield) B.G & CO into a rectangle (to 1928), or an oval (1928-39)

1901 Birmingham 11.70

Chapman, D. V. (Birmingham) D.V.C into an oval

1936 Birmingham (Ster., Box) 11.00

Cohen & Charles, Albert Cohen & Charles Solomon (London, Birmingham) C & C into an octagon

1901 Birmingham 11.70

Collins & Cook (Birmingham) C & C into an octagon

1970 Birmingham 10.60

Davis, H. Clifford, Limited (Birmingham) H C D into three circles or a rectangle, or H C D

1952 Birmingham 5.10

1952 Birmingham (Box) 10.20

1952 Birmingham (Q.H., Box) 24.40

Deakin, James, and Sons (Sheffield) JD over WD into a shield

1901 Sheffield (Ster.) 11.60

1901 Sheffield (Box) 17.50

1936 Sheffield 11.70

Deakin, Stephen Henry, and Francis, John Horace, Ltd. (Birmingham, Chester) D & F into two joined circles

1978 Birmingham 10.50

Devenport, William (Birmingham) W . D into a rectangle with concave corners

1910 Birmingham 11.20

Edward, George & Sons (David and George Edward) (London) D E over G E into a quatrefoil

1906 London 25.60

Elkington and Company (Birmingham) E & Co Ld into a trilobate form (1890-1905) E & Co into a trefoil (1906-1968)

1903 Birmingham 11.20

1910 Birmingham 10.50

Emanuel, M. (Birmingham, Chester) M-E into an oval

1910 Birmingham (Ster.) 10.20

H. C. Freeman & Co. (Henry Charles Freeman) (London) H C F into a shield



Garrard, Samuel Henry (London) S G into an octagon

1910 London (Pair, Box) 20.50

Gloster, J., Limited (Birmingham) J.G. Ltd

1952 Birmingham (Q.H.) 11.00

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, Limited (London) G & S CO LTD into a trefoil

1901 London (Ster.) 17.00

1910 London 16.80

Gourdel, Vales and Company (Birmingham) G.V & CO into an octagon

1901 Birmingham 9.60

1901 Birmingham 11.00

1901 Birmingham 11.50

Greenberg, I. S. & Co. (Israel Sigmund Greenberg)(Birmingham) I.S.G. into an octagon



Hamilton and Inches (Edinburgh) H & I

1903 Edinburgh 17.00

Haseler, William Hair (Birmingham) W-H-H into an octagon

1936 Birmingham 11.00

Hicklenton & Sydal (H. G. Hicklenton & S. A. Phillips) (London) HGH over SAP into a sexlobate form

1936 London 15.50

Higgins, Francis III (London) F H over a dot into a heart

1885 London (Ster.) 26.30

Hunt and Roskell, Limited (London) H & R over LTD, into a shield

1906 London (Box) 26.60



Hutton, William & Sons (London, Birmingham, Chester, Sheffield ) W over SS H LD over & into an oval with cap and base

King, Walter Edward (London) W.E.K into a rectangle

1951 London (Ster., Box) 11.90

Levi, Phineas Harris, and Salaman, Joseph Wolfe (Birmingham) L & S into an octagon

1901 Birmingham (Ster.) 9.60

1902 Birmingham (Ster.) 9.60

1910 Birmingham (Ster.) 22.80

Maddison E. (Birmingham) E M into a shield

1995 Birmingham 10.80

Mappin and Webb (Birmingham, Chester, London) Mn Wb over &into a shield and JNM into a trefoil

Mayes, Mills & Co (Birmingham) M M & Co into a quatrefoil

Mitchell Brothers (Birmingham) M BROS into a rectangle

1901 Birmingham (Ster.) 9.50

Nathan, George, and Hayes, Ridley (Birmingham, Chester, Sheffield) N & H into two joined circles

1901 Chester 9.60

1901 Chester 10.70

1902 Chester 10.50

1910 Birmingham 10.50

Pearce and Thompson (Birmingham) P & T

1910 Birmingham 3.30

1910 Birmingham 3.30

Pilling, Charles Clement: Sibray, Hall & Co. (London, Sheffield) CCP into an arabesque

1901 London 11.30

Pithey, H. V. and Company (Chester) HVP & Co into a shield

1910 Chester 11.00

1910 Chester 12.20

Pringle, Robert & Sons (Birmingham, Chester, London, Sheffield) R.S into a shield

Reid & Sons (London, Chester, Sheffield) R & S into a trilobate form

1910 London 16.90

Robathan, C., & Sons Ltd (Birmingham) C.R. & S into a rectangle

1952 Birmingham 11.00

1959 Birmingham 10.60

1997 Birmingham 10.70

Roberts and Dore (Sheffield) R & D into a flattened shield

1936 Sheffield 11.00

1936 Sheffield 11.00

Rose, John (Birmingham) J.R.

1960 Birmingham 11.00

1961 Birmingham 11.00

1966 Birmingham 11.00

Rose, S. J. and Son (Birmingham) S.J.R. into a field

1952 Birmingham 10.50

1971 Birmingham 10.60

S & Co (possibly Shipton & Co Ltd) (Birmingham) S & Co into three octagons

1927 Chester 11.00

S. S. Ltd. (Glasgow) S. S. LTD into an octagon

1936 Glasgow 11.00

Saunders, Cornelius Desormeaux, and Shepherd, James Francis Hollings "Frank" (London, Birmingham, Chester, Edinburgh) CS into an octagon with FS into an octagon (1880-1908) or CS 'star'FS into an octagon, (1895-1926) or CS 'star' FS into an octagon (1901-1904 ) or S & S LD into four shields (1936-1938)

1901 London 9.30

1901 London 9.50

1901 London 10.50

1901 London 10.90

1901 London 11.00

1902 London 9.20

1902 London (Ster.) 9.50

1902 London 10.50

1902 London 17.10

1904 Chester 9.40

1905 Chester 9.20

1910 Chester 4.60

1910 London 6.90

1910 London 9.20

1910 London 10.50

1910 London 10.70

1910 London (Ster., Box) 14.90

1910 London 15.00

1910 London (Ster.) 17.00

1910 London 25.60

1936 London 11.10

1936 Edinburgh 11.50

1936 London (Pair, Box) 15.90

1936 London (Ster.) 24.60

1936 London (Pair) 24.60

1936 London 11.00

Shipton and Company, Limited (Birmingham) S & C

1936 Birmingham 11.00

Smith, Samuel (London, Sheffield) S S into an octagon

1901 London 10.20

Stebbings, Robert (London, Sheffield) RS into a shield

Suckling, William, Limited (Birmingham) S . LD into a bilobate form

1936 Birmingham (Ster.) 11.00

1952 Birmingham 9.90

1954 Birmingham 9.80

Sydney & Company (Birmingham, Chester) S & Co

1936 Birmingham (Ster.) 11.00

Turner and Simpson (Birmingham, Chester) T & S into three circles

1937 Birmingham (Ster.) 11.00

Turner, C. E. (London, Sheffield) C. E. T.

1936 Birmingham (Ster.) 9.00

1936 Birmingham (Ster.) 10.50

Wakeley, James, and Wheeler, Frank Clarke (London, Chester, Edinburgh, Dublin) J.W over F.C.W into a trefoil, (1884-1908)
or W W under & into a trefoil (1913-1982)

1900 London (Ster.) 11.50

1901 London 10.50

1901 London (Ster.) 11.50

1902 London 10.20

1902 London 10.50

1902 London 11.60

1902 London 25.60

1909 London 11.50

1910 London 10.40

1910 London 10.60

1910 London 11.90

1911 London 17.00

1936 London 10.50

1951 London 14.50

Walker and Hall (Birmingham, Chester, Sheffield) W & H into a scalloped rectangle

1936 Birmingham ( 11.00

1952 Sheffield (Q.H.) 11.00

Welpdale, A. (Birmingham) A W into a scalloped rectangle

1910 Birmingham (Brooch) 4.60


1910? Dutch? 6.20

Jack F. Wilson - 2008 -