Magdalena and William Isbister
(click on photos to enlarge image)
The Bateman silversmithing dynasty is arguably the most
famous British dynasty of silversmiths ever to have been
recorded. Hester Bateman was born Hester Neden or Needham in
1704 in Clerkenwell. Little is known about her childhood except
that she was baptised in October 1708 and was not able to read
or write. In about 1725 she married a gold chain and wire maker,
John Bateman, who it seems never completed an apprenticeship and
was thus not allowed to use his own mark. Hester had six
children, John, Letitia, Ann, Peter, William and Jonathan before
her husband died from Tuberculosis in 1760. They lived at 107
Bunhill Road in the Parish of St Luke in North London and
subsequently bought adjoining properties for two of their
children. Both Peter and Jonathan were apprentice silversmiths
when John Bateman Sr. died. Despite this John senior is reputed
to have left, in his will, unto his loving wife all his "household
goods and implements" and this has been interpreted as
indicating that Hester was already an accomplished silversmith
although this has recently been challenged (see reference 1).
Hester took over the family business and in 1761 was allowed to
register her first mark, a scripted "HB", at the age of 52, at
the Goldsmith's Hall in London. She was soon assisted by her two
sons, Peter and Jonathan together with Jonathan's wife Ann who
was also a trained silversmith. Little is known of her early
work, she may have been supplying other silversmiths who then
over-stamped the item with their own mark. She was able to run
and expand the family business during the next 30 years when, at
81 years of age, she retired. Shortly after her retirement
Jonathan died and thus Peter and Ann were alone. Ann became the
driving force until her retirement in 1805. William l, Anne's
son, and William ll her grandson also skilled silversmiths,
joined the business and were producing some of the best silver
pieces of the time but in spite of this the business gradually
declined and by the middle of the 19th century the Bateman
silversmithing dynasty was no more.
Hester Bateman's work is highly regarded because of the quality
of the design and the beautiful decoration. Hester's skills were
in hammering, raising, planishing ("give a smooth finish to by
striking lightly with a smoothly faced hammer"), burnishing and
engraving. All of the pieces that left the workshop would have
been inspected to the highest standard. Hester was one of the
first silversmiths to use steam to power machinery which enabled
her to use thinner silver for her work and this, in turn, meant
that her items were less expensive and thus accessible to many
more people. The Bateman workshop produced a prolific quantity
of items in the 18th century. Unlike many silversmiths of the
time who specialised in a single area of production, the
Batemans were producing fine wares including spoons, forks,
serving utensils, dinner plates, goblets, salt cellars, mustard
pots, wine labels, funnels and coolers, teapots, cream jugs,
butter shells, tea caddies, trays, salvers, waiters, inkwells,
important horse racing trophies and thimbles. They received many
commissions from The City Guilds, various religious
establishments, and private individuals. A Verger's Wand
requested by St. Paul's Cathedral can still be seen in use in
the Cathedral today.
Steel topped silver thimble made by Hester
Bateman with "HB" mark
Between the 16th and 17th centuries "The Americas" were
opening up for trade. Many European countries were competing,
the Spanish in the South West, the Russians in the North West,
the English in the South East and the French, Dutch and English
in the North East. Probably the most famous trading organisation
resulting from the need to organise and compete was the Hudson's
Bay Company. It was established, and granted a monopoly to trade
into all the rivers that flow into Hudson Bay. From 1670 onwards,
the Hudson's Bay Company sent two or three ships into the Bay
every year to bring back furs (mainly beaver) which were then
sold for hat making in England. Some fine furs were sent to
Holland and Germany.
The first Europeans to purchase furs from Indians were French
and English fishermen who, during the 1500s, fished off the
coast of North Eastern Canada and occasionally traded with the
Indians (see reference 2). In exchange, the Indians received
European blankets, guns, powder and lead, knives, kettles and
pots, cloth, food and spices, whiskey. The early Spaniards in
the South West (see reference 3) traded horses, sword blades for
lances, wool blankets, horse gear, turquoise, and agricultural
products, especially dried pumpkin, corn, and bread with the
Indians. The trappers of the North East (see reference 4) traded
items specifically brought out for trade including beads, brass
rings and bracelets, Vermillion, bells, ribbons, and cloth which
were highly sought after by the Native women. The English in the
Southern Colonies (see reference 5) traded axe heads, knives,
awls, fish hooks, cloth of various types and colour, woollen
blankets, linen shirts, kettles, jewellery, glass beads, muskets,
ammunition and powder.
Native Americans traded thimbles for decorating their clothes
from Florida (see reference 6) to the Plains. Usually the
thimbles were made of brass and all sorts of thimbles seem to
have been traded. The thimbles were pierced with a small hole in
the top through which a buckskin thong was passed and tied to a
bead. The bead acted as a bell clapper and these "thimble bells"
with their thongs were used for decoration. They could be
attached to dresses, bags, and pouches. This type of decoration
seems to have been quite widespread and there is even a word in
Choctaw (see reference 7) to denote thimbles worn for decoration
(tali kassa). It is not known whether thimbles were ever
actually used by Native Americans for sewing but they were most
certainly widely used for visual and sound decoration.
Plains buckskin dress decorated with brass
thimbles ca. 1850
We have also seen a decoration made of feathers and a string
of brass thimbles, again probably from a Plains tribe but the
tribe and exact use is unknown. May be it was some form of tent
Tent/belt/fan decoration ca 1890
The "Indian trade" of decorative items in the 18th and 19th
century was not limited to thimbles, other silver ware items
seem to have been traded and Indian trade bracelets from this
period were popular and are well-published (Adam Brandow,
Christie's New York - personal communication). We were
fascinated to find one such bracelet recently in a Christie's
catalogue. It was listed as a "George lll silver Indian trade
bracelet" bearing the mark of Hester Bateman, the leopard's head
crowned, the lion passant and the letter date for 1779.
Trade bracelet and Hester Bateman mark
One of the most famous female English silversmiths, Hester
Bateman, made thimbles in the 18th century; thimbles were traded
with Native Americans for decorative purposes at the same time;
other items of jewellery, including rings, beads and bracelets,
were also traded; and one such traded silver bracelet was made
by Hester Bateman, thus completing the circle so to say.
References (all websites accessed November 2011)
1. Inglis L. Hester Bateman: Illiterate Widow to Lady
Tradesman. at:
2. Fur Trade at:
3. Expanding Trade: 1541 Coronado Reaches "Quivera". At:
4. Rendezvous Trade Goods. At:
5. Fur Trade. at:
6. MacCauley C. The Seminole Indians of Florida, 1664. at:
7. Cushman HB. History of Indians. 1899. cited by Holmes EF. A
history of thimbles. London: Cornwall Books, 1985. pp. 244.3.
Holmes: "Thimbles for other uses" pp. 234 and "Thimbles in
England" pp. 41.
Reproduction authorized by
Magdalena and William Isbister, Moosbach, Germany
Researched and published in 2014
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