2011 ASCAS membership
Members still interested in ASCAS and its activity are
invited to send an e-mail to:
confirming their 2011 membership (the simplest way is to
use the 'reply' button on our January e-mail).
No action is requested to unsubscribe. Members not confirming
their membership will be automatically deleted and shipping of
our monthly Newsletter will be suspended on February
Please IGNORE this announcement if you have already confirmed
your interest, by email, within the last month.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary
This month ASCAS newsletter
is published without its monthly column "MEMBERS' WINDOW".
The reason of this absence is obvious: the "store" of
material suitable for publication in this column is
empty and no new work was proposed this month by ASCAS
I need the aid of any potential author who could
contribute to the ASCAS newsletter writing about his
collection or single objects, sharing with others (anonymously
if necessary) his knowledge or the result of his
Beware, ASCAS lives of your contributes and can offer
only what you are available to offer.
Fortunately, ASCAS is not already dead and has not yet
reached the end of his existence. Some excellent
articles are still available and will be presented in
next months.
But, within a few months, missing your help, ASCAS will
be forced to reduce the frequency of its contacts and
the Newsletter published, randomly, when sufficient
material will be gathered.
Thanks again for your past and future help.
Giorgio Busetto
Giovanni Ciceri presents:
British Hallmarks - A cycle at a time (I)
London Hallmarks: 1776-1795 (XVI CYCLE):

.....In the following tables are presented several
examples of the XVI cycle of London Hallmarks. This
cycle begins with a small Roman "a" as date letter for
1776/1777 and ends with a small Roman "u" for 1795/1796.
The punch enclosing the date letter is a shield with a
pointed base with chamfered upper corners (clipped off),
but occasionally it can be found with a rounded base....
click here
Welcome to new ASCAS members:
Bob Burke - USA
Carl Goddard - Australia
Jaak Hermans - Belgium
Theodore Hornstein - USA
Andrea Menarini writes:
... I'm trying to identify a set of 7 knives, 6 individual and a
serving one.
The silver pieces of the serving knife bear an hallmark that
seems to be German (number 13 under AH letters).
I'd be very grateful for any information you can supply.
Thank you
Andrea Menarini
Norman Flay writes:
... Can you help to identify this Sauce Boat please?
The markings are on top it looks like IRM below this it is EPN
may be a C or S then A1.
I have added two pictures in the attachments
Many Thanks
Norman Flay
The part underside of the mark is EPNS for Electro Plated
nickel Silver.
I'm unable to identify the maker. Any suggestion will be
Giorgio Busetto
The maker is Italian. To try to identify the maker is
necessary to know what is written on the small mark on the right
side of your photo.
I read the number (possibly 176) but I'm unable to read the
initials of the province (possibly FI, Florence).
Your knight is made whit a tin sheet of sterling silver filled
with another material.
You can read information about Italian marks (included the "filled"
materials) in my web site at
Giorgio Busetto
David Nikogosian writes:
...Recently I purchased three hollow ware silver-plated objects,
made by one French and two German companies.
Each item is bearing the same logo "SH" or "HS".
Does anybody know to which company this logo belongs?
David Nikogosian
The double headed eagle is a mark used in many countries
(Austria, Germany, Russia, Parma and Palermo in Italy). It was
used also in the Netherlands by the Nijmegen Assay Office in the
period 1811/1814.
I hope that someone of our readers will be able to help you.
Giorgio Busetto
Replies to questions
Pietro Fantazzini writes:
... The images of this set appear in the 1921 Soufflot
catalog (see attached images).
Undoubtedly an oddity the application of all those marks of
different manufacturers.
An hypothesis is that the same model was retailed by various
makers, but was done for all in the same manufacture. This
practice was largely used at that time in Italy. You can find
flatware bearing the marks Buccellati, Menzani, Broggi and
others but manufactured by Clementi in Bologna.
Pietro Fantazzini
Jean-Gabriel Lamorte writes:
... About the question of Raphael Zaphiropoulos. The marks
refer to 1 Aucoc André, 1887-1911-- 2 Compere Léontine Vve – 3
Fouquet-Lapar Georges, 1878-1891, (Tétard, 1880-act, Succ.) --,
4 Henin & Cie,1875-1985, (Odiot Succ., 1690-act.) - 5 Emile
Puiforcat 1857-18-945, (JB Fuchs Prédéc.1833-1857)– 6 Henri
Soufflot 1884-1940, (Olier & Caron, 1910-1936, Succ.) – 7 Tetard
freres, 1910-act..
Jean-Gabriel Lamorte
The maker's mark is indeed of Veuve Léontine Compère, widow
of Ernest Compère (1868-1888)
79 rue Quincampoix, Paris
N° de garantie : 3201
N° de préfecture : 10559
Active from 1888 till 1911
Symbol : a running rabbit
Newsletter 41: question of Gordon Tibbles
The maker's mark AD belongs to the
silversmith Albert Deflon.
24 rue Beaubourg, Paris
N° de garantie : C1178
N° de préfecture : 12793
Symbol : a gabion
Active from 1907 till 1920
The makers mark belongs to Victor
In this column we present a page
obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs,
advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver,
that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for
private and personal use only
This month we present the trade card of
At the Hand and Spur
near Exeter Exchange in Strand
Makes and Sell Spring Spurs in Silver
and Steel, and all other Sorts of Spurs, the
best Cock Spurs, Cork Screens, Watch Chains
Buckles, Pen Knives & Sisers, with several other
Things in the Steel way made in the best Manner
N3. My Silver Spurs and Cock Spurs are marked
with the two first Letters of my Name, and all my
Steel Spurs with my Sir Name at lenght
Mazer is a drinking vessel of Germanic tradition
made in maple wood in the form of a wide flat-bottomed
shallow bowl without handles.
The early examples are usually deep with narrow lip
bands, while the later ones are shallower with wider
bands and an increased capacity.
These vessels were made from the 12th to the 16th
century and it is supposed that the word "mazer" derives
from the ancient German word "masa" meaning a spot or
from the old Welsh word "masarn" meaning maple tree....
(successors of THOMAS SANSOM & SONS)
Thomas Sansom, plate worker
at Norfolk Street, Sheffield, entered his mark at
Sheffield Assay Office on December 22, 1808. Later the
business was continued as Thomas Sansom & Sons, in
partnership with his sons Abraham, John and William
Sansom. In 1847 the business was acquired by James
William Harrison, Henry Harrison and James William
Howson, acting as Harrison Brothers & Howson.
James William Harrison retired in 1876 and the business
was continued by his partners. Later they were joined in
the partnership by George Hawson (son of J.W. Howson),
Francis William Harrison (son of Henry Harrison) and
John Brocksopp Wilkinson (nephew of J.W. Harrison)....
In this column we present images and
descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and
Scottish families as engraved on silver items.

A dexter arm, in armour,
embowed, in hand a broken tilting-spear.
The crest of Armistead, Caswell (Middlesex), Combes (of
Cotham, Bristol), Cuthbert, Dancer (Ireland), Dymock or
Dymoke (Staffordshire), Fearguson (Ireland), Ferguson
(Scotland), Forster (Northumberland), Foster (London and
Cambridgeshire), Gilbert (Herefordshire and
Monmouthshire), Heley (England), Helly (England), Kemble
(England), Mackenay (Ireland), Makareth (Lancashire),
Makeroth (England), Michel, Montgomery, Palmer (Ireland),
Smyth (Surrey).
The crest was found in a silver spoon hallmarked Dublin
1838, maker William Cummins

Closing our January 2011 edition of ASCAS
Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.
My thanks to Sharon Blasgen,
Judith Brown, Giovanni Ciceri, Pietro Fantazzini, Norman Flay,
Jean-Gabriel Lamorte, Robert Massart, Andrea Menarini, David N.
Nikogosyan, Cor Oostveen, Paul Skippen for their invaluable
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common
interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links.
Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in
this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor
accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through
periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating
and ignores and is not responsible for any other
activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions,
evaluation and images displayed, and in any form
published or supplied for publication, by its members
who, in any case, maintain the property of their works
and assure the respect of national and international
legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only
town, country and e-mail address are requested for
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail
addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third
parties, will use this information only to reply to
requests received from members and for communications
strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the
membership request.